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boyfriends/girlfriends come and go friends are always friends

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Q: Is deep love longer lasting than being in love with your best friend?
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Related questions

Why do you have a best friend?

You have a best friend so they can support you and cheer you up when you're down. It is also the other way round for that is the key rule of having a lasting friendship.

Why does your best friend not talk to you anymore?

The only way you will find out why your best friend is not talking to you any longer is by confronting your best friend and asking him/her what has gone wrong in the relationship.

What do you do if you dislike your best friend?

Obviously they are not your best friend then - be straight forward, honest and polite and let them know that you can no longer be friends.

How do you know she's no longer interested?

ask his best friend

How do you handle a relationship if the one you like likes your best friend?

Unfortunately if he is interested in your friend at this time that is where his interest is and you will have to move on. There are many boys out there that would likely enjoy being with you so - Be happy for your best friend and don't let this come between your friendship as you can always keep a friend longer than a boyfriend.

What to do if your best friend forever is turning mean?

you tell them and if they don't stop you stop being friends with them. There is a chance that your friend has changed his/her opinion of you, and no longer wishes to be best friends. That friend may not know how to talk to you about a problem they perceive you have between you. Talking is the only way to know what to do. CSW

How do you tell if your best friend is a gay?

if you are that curious, then ask him about it but dont sound accusing or demanding. if you do, you might not have a best friend for much longer

How do you stop you and your best friend from fighting?

try being nice Answer Avoid the topic OR, sit down and try to resolve the issue. Your friendship will definitely last longer.

Is best friend jewelry considered fine jewelry?

There is best friend jewelry in every price range. I find sterling silver most appropiate. It is affordable, lasting , and won't wear badly or get brassy.

What is referred to as man's best friend?

Man's best friend is the dog because we have had domesticated dogs longer than we have had any other animal.

What should you do if your best friend is being taken away from you?

Talk to your best friend about it and if she's really your friend she will understand and spend more time with you than the best friend stealer.

What is your best friend being for Halloween?

a pirate!!!!!