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No. A diamond can still be scratched by another diamond.

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Q: Is diamonds the only mineral that will not scratch?
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What rocks can scratch a diamonds?

Diamonds can only be scratched by other diamonds. Diamond is the hardest natural mineral.

What mineral can corundum scratch?

Corundum can scratch almost any mineral that isn't diamond.

What mineral can scratch everything?

diamonds you idiot, even guys can answer that !

What mineral can scratch all the minerals?

Diamonds are proven to scratch all minerals including itself.

What is the only mineral that can scratch corundum?

Diamond is the hardest mineral and is the only one that can scratch corundum. but in my opinion corundum will scratch corundum any mineral of the same hardness will scratch the other !

How do you determine how soft a mineral is?

The hardness of a mineral is categorized on the Mohs hardness scale with talc as 1 and diamond as 10. A mineral can only be scratched bya mineral that is as hard or harder than the first mineral. So talc can scratch talc but nothing else. A diamond can scratch every other mienral including itself. Cordundum with a hardness of 9 can't scratch diamonds but can scratch a lot of other minderals.

What mineral can scratch diamonds?

Diamonds can pretty much scratch any rocks and minerals.On something called, "Moh's Hardness Scale", the Diamond is the hardest one. So some examples of minerals it can scratch,~Corundum~Topaz~Quartz~Orthoclase~Apatite~Fluorite~Calcite~Gypsum~Talcand many, many more.Diamonds are one of the most hardest minerals.Hope I helped! (I'm learning this in science right now!)

What can diamonds not scratch?

Since diamond is the hardest mineral, diamonds are used to enhance tools and precision instruments, simply because they can cut through **anything**.

Do real diamonds scratch glass?

A diamond has a hardness of 10 on a scale of 10 known as Mohs Hardness Scale. A diamond can scratch any other mineral. It isn't the only mineral that can scratch glass thou, quartz, corundum,garnet, among others

What can be scratch by diamond?

Diamond are only scratched by diamonds.

What mineral can scratch fluorite?

the answer is something harder than fluorite some examples are granite , magnetite , diamonds , and quartz .

Does graphite scratch glass?

Yes, scientist have turned "mundane" form of carbon into diamond by applying enormous amounts of heat and pressure. These conditions are similar to what forms diamonds naturally. The process is expensive though.