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Q: Is dietary iron comsumption is especially important for reproductive -age females?
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What are the dietary plans of Jennie Finch?

She beleives it is important to feed herself and family healthy food especially vegetables.

What is the Most important dietary complex carbohydrates?

Starches are the most important dietary complex carbohydrate.

Why is dietary calcium important to bone growth?

Dietary calcium is important to bone growth because bones are made of calcium. The addition of dietary calcium keep the bones calcified and helps them to stay strong and healthy.

What is the consequence's of not caring for your reprouctive system?

The reproductive system in general is designed to create offspring. By not caring for this system, you may experience impotence or infertility. Dietary and lifestyle choices directly impact the effectiveness of the reproductive system.

What do vegetables and fruits contain?

They have important vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

What you is phoebes health concern in walk two moons?

Phoebe had many dietary concerns, especially about cholesterol.

Why is dietary fibre important?

Dietary fiber is important to easy your bowel movement, as bread made of flour causes constipation. You should take enough vegetables, and at least one fruit a day so as not to be worried about intestine problems.

What 3 important Jewish traditions did Jesus and His parents do?

Circumcision, Dietary Laws, Temple.

Describe reasons for doing a dietary analysis and why its important to get a balance of nutrients in the diet?


Why is a diet high in dietary fibre important?

Dietary fibres provide bulk to the diet. They can prevent obesity by reducing appetite. By facilitating regular elimination, dietary fibres can also prevent constipation and reduce the risk of hemorrhoids. In addition, they are capable of regulating blood sugar, reducing the risk of diabetes.

Dietary fats are important because?

Dietary fats are important because they are the ones that produce energy for the body. Fats should be monitored since excessive fats can be risky for your health.

How is an amino acid pool maintained even though you secret amino acids daily?

Dietary protein or catabolism, especially of skeletal muscle.