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Yes, it is. But it only has one 'L' (Dispel).

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Q: Is dispell a word
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How do you use the word dispelled in a sentence?

That boy almost dispelled her for the McDonalds that she had for lunch today.

Can psychic powers beat ghost?

It is one of the many ways to dispell your house of ghosts.

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There was a rumor going around that she was a witch. She wanted to... answer: "DISPELL" IT (virus, vital, parade, openly)

Where can I learn the truth about diets?

You can learn the truth about diets from a nutritionist. They are trained in nutrition and would be able to dispell any diet myths and the health dangers of starting a "fad" diet.

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You have hit a blood vessel and it is a bruise. A swelling of blood at the injection site. Massage the area to dispell the blood.

Does the bogeyman exist?

No, but the bogeyman can just be a collection of your fears. If you dispell those fears, there will be no bogeyman in your life. But, seriously, there isn't a real dude under your bed waiting to scare you. That would be wrong.

How can a husband make up for cheating on his wife?

Well in Mayan society, the male would generally cut out his appendix and consume it in front of his wife. This would dispell any bad feelings.

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imagine you and your boss dancing around happily to 99 red balloons like they do in scrubs :P just a suggestion..if that's not possible, think happy thoughts

Was bledding for 4 weeks too long for a miscarraige while using the drug prescribed called cytotek?

Hello. No this happened because Cytotek was making you bleed to dispell any clots. But if you're worried then see your doctor.

What kind of tale have I fallen into?

One of your own making , for you are both the author , and the heroine . If now you do not become the captain of your destiny , then who will promise you that in your mood swings or those of other characters , that the next tale will not be as what you wish.............. Take the initiative , and write for a better day , dispell the day dreaming clouds out of your mind .

Why does my labia majora ache when im on my period?

When your on your period your unterus is shedding its lining it Has to contract to dispell the lining when it does this you will feel it, some women get abdominal cramps some get labia pains. I feel ya it sucks Cary chocolate and a bottle of cold milk and try and get your mind off it, that always works for me. Best of wishes

Who falsified spontaneous generation?

Francesco Redi demonstrated that flies do not spontaneously appear in rotting meat when no eggs have been laid in it. That was in 1668. A century later Lazzaro Spallanzani showed that microbes do not spontaneously form in a static environment. This is not a strict falsification of spontaneous generation, but it sufficed to dispell the notion that abiogenesis was trivial or common.