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It is a physical because it didn't change the substance

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Q: Is dissolving sugar a chemical reaction or physical reaction?
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Related questions

Is sugar dissolving in water a chemical reaction?

No, it is a physical change. A chemical reaction involves changing a molecule(s) into something else. When dissolving sugar in water, you still have sugar and you still have water.

Is sugar dissolving in alcohol a chemical reaction?

No, it is simply dissolving so it is a physical change.

Is sugar dissolving a chemical reaction?

No, this is pure physics

Does a sugar dissolving in water is a physical property?

Yes it is because no chemical reaction occurs during it so it is not chemical.

Is dissolving sugar a physical reaction?

no, technically there is no such thing as a physical reaction. It is, however, a physical change. when two things react, it is chemical so you cannot have a "Physical" reaction in chemistry

Is water boiling sugar dissolving or nails rusting a chemical reaction?

Water boiling is a physical process; also dissolving. Rusting is a chemical process (oxidation).

Is dissolving sugar in water a chemical property?

No dissolving of sugar is not a chemical property because no reaction takes place.

What is sugar dissolving and example of?

a chemical reaction

Is dissolving sugar physical or chemical?

Sugar dissolving would be an example of a physical change. This is because it does not change chemically, so it is still sugar.

How could you decide whether the dissolving of sugar in water is a physical or chemical change?

You can evaporate the water and recover the sugar unchanged. A chemical change means a chemical reaction has taken place and changed the substance chemically. A physical change means that a solid has become a liquid such as dissolving sugar.

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