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Q: Is distress unhealthy type of stress?
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Related questions

What type of stress can stressors cause?

Eustress, Distress

Explain the effects that stress or distress can have on people?

The effects of stress include:headachessweatingtense musclesstomach achesincrease in heart rate.

What is di stress?

Distress is negative stress that arises because our normal routine is constantly shifted and adjusted, while we try to adapt to new situation we are faced with distress. Ditress usually causes feelings of discomfort, anxiety and unfamiliarity. We are faced with distress when we are in the new workplace and we didn't adjust to the situation yet.Other positive type of stress is Eustress and helps us stay motivated and activated for our normal functioning.

What is a big word for stress?

A big word for stress is "psychological distress" or "anxiety."

How does physical activity help with distress?

it helps decrease stress from your mind and keeps it stress free

Bad stress is technically called what?

Bad stress is technically called "Distress". Good stress is technically called "Eustress".

Does distress rhyme with useless?

They are end rhymes only, but could not properly be used in a poem because in "distress" the stress is on the second syllable, and in "useless" the stress is on the first syllable. See the related questions below for "What rhymes with distress?" and "What rhymes with useless?"

What two types of stress can stressors cause?

Eustress, Distress

Is unstress a word?

"Unstress" is not a widely-recognized word in standard English dictionaries, but it can be considered a colloquial or informal term meaning to remove or reduce stress or pressure. It is not commonly used in formal writing.

What is the difference between eustress and distress?

One is the stress that perceived as positive and the other is the stress that interferes with life.

What is a negative stress called?

Negative type of stress is called Distress. This type of stress negatively affects our mind and body. There are several stress relief techniques that can help you to reduce negative stress and prevent the consequences it can have on your life. Positive stress is Eustress and this type help us to get through our life and stay motivated and activated.

What is the difference between stress and distress?

Distress is the most commonly-referred to type of stress, having negative implications, whereas eustress is a positive form of stress, usually related to desirable events in person's life.