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It can shorten your life span quite dramatically, im not an expert, but your kidneys get rid of urea (toxic waste from your body) as you have one kidney the toxic waste isn't being disposed of as efficently and you can therefore shorten your lifespan though, but your lenthing something elses life...

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Q: Is donate a kidney is risky for future health?
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S.B.G.K -Dopey |N|ano

Which of these is a deliberate decision to avoid risky behavior that can be harmful to one's health?

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I'm a 15 year old girl- is it uncommon to have kidney cysts?

Not necessarily. They can be caused by other prescription drugs (generally an issue if you are being treated for other health problems - you kidneys have to filter out all the drugs thay you have ever been prescribed, so if you're already on a lot you can get kidney cysts), or the can be a genetic thing or a birth defect. They are generally benign and don't get in the way of day-to-day life. If you ever do need a kidney transplant, they're nowhere near as scary/risky as you'd think.