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I don't think drinking is good for anyone, however it's not a sin to drink. Getting drunk is a sin. When CIristians drink it can give the wrong perception. If you have a friend who is an alcoholic then i would say drinking is not good for a Christian. Everyone has their personal convictions fron God and basically their own common sense as well. Some Christians are told by the Lord that they are not supposed to drink, while others just don't feel the need to, or feel that it goes against their morals or values. Knowing that I come from a long line of alcoholics, I think that it is important for me to stay away from alcohol. It does not teach in The Bible that we should not drink, Jesus drank. Sinning is when you begin to rely on the alcohol or begin to get drunk. Alcohol for most people can become a pain-med and God does not want you relying on some earthly item to get you through the day. He also doesn't want you to be depending on alcohol for happiness. There's a difference between social drinking and a glass here and there, and getting drunk.

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Q: Is drinking alcohol good for a Christian?
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Drinking in moderation can be good for you and drinking abusively can be bad for you.

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Drinking rubbing alcohol can be extremely dangerous and can lead to alcohol poisoning, coma, or death. Rubbing alcohol is not meant for consumption and contains toxic substances like methanol which can have severe health effects when ingested. It is important to seek medical help immediately if someone has consumed rubbing alcohol.

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Drinking alcohol in moderation raises HDL ("good cholesterol" and lowers JDJ ("bad cholesterol"). That's one reason that drinking alcohol in moderation promotes good health and longevity.

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Drinking alcohol in moderation every day is associated with better health and greater longevity than is either abstaining from alcohol or abusing it.

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If consumed in moderation, drinking alcohol promotes good health and greater longevity.

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Yes, it enough alcohol is consumed too rapidly. That;s why it's a good idea to avoid drinking games.

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You can help your kidneys to flush your system of alcohol by drinking lots of fluids that do not contain alcohol. Coffee is good.

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Drinking alcohol with medication is NEVER a good idea. Ever.

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it doesn't do a whole lotta good.

What does more damage alcohol or petroleum?

Drinking petroleum would unquestionably be more dangerous than drinking alcohol, ounce for ounce. Mixing the two (drinking and driving) is not a good idea, either. Apart from that, your question is pointless.

What is the negative connotation of drinking?

When you say "drinking", it carries the connotation of drinking alcohol, drinking alcohol to excess, and becoming addicted to it.