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no whiskey and coke is better. i advise atlest three mabey four if your are at a meal with inlaws (:

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Q: Is drinking hot water and lemons good for you after a meal?
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Related questions

Is drinking chilled water after meal harmful?

No. Drinking water after a meal helps maintain good dental health, so doing so is actually a good thing.

Does drinking cold water after a meal lead to cancer?

No, it does not.

Drinking water with every meal does it increase weight loss?

water weighs so no

Is drinking water with meals is harmful?

Drinking water as part of a meal is not harmful. Indeed, in most countries water will normally be automatically served as an accompaniment to a meal. This is because water can be used to lubricate the swallowing of food and water is also required as a constituent of the digestive processes.

Does drinking water after a meal cause your tummy to swell?

no not really. The fact is if you drink cold water

How does cold water during meal affect the heart?

Drinking cold water during meal does not affect your heart or any other organ at all.

Does drinking oat meal with water make you skinny?

yes it does take Josh Miles for example

What was Served with every Tudor meal?

The Tudors served bread with every meal. Since clean water was not available for drinking, they also often served ale.

How long before meal you can drink water in fit for life diet?

One glass of water 30 minutes before to a meal is good for our digestion system. Drinking water before meals can result in consuming fewer calories at the meals, which leads to weight loss. This probably because water provides the sense of fullness, obviously we will take less food. Also drinking water before meals can help to improve rough, dry skin which worsened by dehydration.

Why do seafood restaurants provide a bowl of water with lemon slice in it after the meal?

Because sea foods can be very basic, but lemons are very acidic so the lemon will neutralize your stomach.

How do Muslims break their fast during Ramadan?

Muslims break their fasting at sunset by drinking and/or eating; preferably:first eating few dates and drinking some water after thanking God and requesting his mercy and blessings,praying for sunset praying (Maghrib), and thencompleting the full meal

What does drinking warm water do in your body?

Drinking hot water before meals reduces hunger, which makes you eat less. This way, you will not over-eat and you will reduce fat and calories from your meal. Water is great for your skin, body, heart, lungs, face and the rest of your body.