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If it's the only "symptom" you may not considere it as a red flag. It is probably the active infection symptom (or a virus infection symptom). It there is other weird symptoms (dizziness, confusion, drowsiness) and you think your child may be overdosed, you should seek medical help.

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Q: Is dry cough a symptom of antibiotic overdose in child?
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Coughing as an Asthma Symptom?

Most people believe that wheezing and shortness of breath are the two most common symptoms of asthma. However, coughing is also an asthma symptom. Some parents may mistake their child's cough as a cold or a sinus infection. They may even give cough syrups to quiet the child's coughing. However, a dry, barky cough may signal that the child has asthma and is not moving air in and out of his or her lungs well.

What antibiotic is used for coughing?

Coughing is treated with cough medicine. If you have an infection, such as an upper respiratory infection, that is causing the coughing, then that may be treated with an antibiotic, but a cough that is not due to an infection is not treated with an antibiotic.

Is amoxicilin used for treatment of kennel cough?

Yes, Amoxicilln is an antibiotic used to treat Kennel cough.

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please give me an answer

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Is Levolin syrup anti biotic?

No, Its not an antibiotic, it is used to cure dry cough.

How can taking too much cough syrup with codeine affect your breathing?

IF you take an overdose, the cough medicine could have an alternative reaction to your body.

Does clindamycin have codeine in it?

No. Clindamycin is an antibiotic. Some cough syrups have codeine in them but there would not be an antibiotic-opioid combo medication.

Can a simple cough can cause a spot in the lungs?

Coughing is not the cause of anything. It is a symptom.

Can you use antibiotic to stop blood when you cough?

You cough up blood? Don't take antibiotic. I strongly suggest to go to the doctor ASAP. Coughing up blood is the symptom of TB. Go now before it's too late. - -- Bleeding occurs when there is a rupture, whether small or large, in your blood vessels and should be stopped quickly and the cause found out. Antibiotics are used against bacterial infections. Taking antibiotics to stop bleeding doesn't make sense! Git to your doctor soon!

What is a loud annoying hacking cough?

A loud, annoying, hacking cough is a symptom. It can be a symptom of cold, flu, bronchitis, walking pneumonia, or full blown pneumonia. It can be a symptom of a lung condition-- such as a blood clot, embolism, cancer, or just a localized infection in the lung/s. See your doctor; it's likely viral or bacterial.