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Q: Is eating cucumbers only for two weeks safe?
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How to loss body way?

Eating healthy and exercise is the only safe way. There really are no shortcuts.

Can you clip a chickens wing at the age of 2 weeks?

No, it is not safe to do so. Clip them only when they have adult feathers and only when necessary.

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It's impossible to lose 26 pounds in only 3 weeks and be safe about it. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need regular exercise and a reduced-calorie diet. There may be some fad diets out there that let you lose that much in only 3 weeks, but once you go back to eating normally, you'll gain all the weight back (or even more!).

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No, it is not safe to eat paper.

How a mother her keeps her egg safe and warm?

A mother hen sits on her eggs for weeks to keep the temperature right. The breaks for eating and leaving are shot so the temperature stays constant.

How do they keep safe?

they keep safe by eating danishes to act like them

Where do you store cucumbers in the process of turning into a pickle?

To make pickles you wash small pickling type cucumbers, slice them in spears, planks, or rings then place in a food safe container (crock, large bowl, or food safe cooler), add pickling salt and water for a period of time specified by the recipe. When cucumbers are kept in this brine they need to be kept cold either in the refrigerator or by adding ice to the crock or cooler.

Is African mango safe for men and women to consume?

Yes, indeed. Its not only safe; its absolutely delicious and is full of good nutrients. You should wash your face and hands after eating it though.

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so are in safe from bacttiria

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Almost all emu eggs remain safe from predators. The male emu incubates the eggs, and he is a very vigilant guardian, often not eating, drinking, defecating or leaving the nest for weeks on end. The only time he moves is when he stands to turn the eggs.

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