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Go see an attorney about contesting/annulling the marriage. Act quickly.

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Q: Is emancipation automatic by marriage in GA if NCP consented to the marriage in Las Vegas for purpose of voiding custody and child support?
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When someone else has guardianship of a child what does the parent have to do to get the child back?

Since you haven't included any details the following is general information. The parent needs to rectify the circumstances that resulted in their losing custody in the first place if custody was taken away by a court. If the parent voluntarily consented to the change in custody they can petition the same court to end that guardianship and restore custody in the parent.Since you haven't included any details the following is general information. The parent needs to rectify the circumstances that resulted in their losing custody in the first place if custody was taken away by a court. If the parent voluntarily consented to the change in custody they can petition the same court to end that guardianship and restore custody in the parent.Since you haven't included any details the following is general information. The parent needs to rectify the circumstances that resulted in their losing custody in the first place if custody was taken away by a court. If the parent voluntarily consented to the change in custody they can petition the same court to end that guardianship and restore custody in the parent.Since you haven't included any details the following is general information. The parent needs to rectify the circumstances that resulted in their losing custody in the first place if custody was taken away by a court. If the parent voluntarily consented to the change in custody they can petition the same court to end that guardianship and restore custody in the parent.

Marriage when a mother has custody of adult but then adult get married who has custody wife or mother?


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How do you get out of DSS custody when underage?

It is difficult to get out of DSS custody until you are over age eighteen. It is possible sometimes to have a judge grant a minor emancipation.

Does the birth mother have automatic custody if she and father are married?

No, although most courts favor custody to the mother.

In New Mexico who has custody of children if the parents are not married?

The mother assumes automatic custody, unless she is unfit.

In New York if you are married when you are under the age of 18 are you still in the custody of your parents?

First of all, if you are 16 or 17 and want to get married, your parents have to consent to the marriage. New York does not have an emancipation statute, so they are responsible for you until 18.

What does LACT stand for in the oilfield?

Lease Automatic Custody Transfer

Can my wifes biological father regain custody over her after the marriage?

No, he shouldn't be able to if she is legally married. If she was underage at the time of marriage and the custodial parent signed off on the marriage and that should have been the end of parental custody.

If a man has a child custody case with his ex-wife and the marriage was vacated But the judge made final rulings regarding the marriage but not the child custody can he remarry?

It's not a good idea.

How old does a child have to be in Ohio to get emancipated? "State of Ohio does not have an emancipation law. Minor or parent is unable to file a legal action to have a minor emancipated or legally on their own and under the age of 18. There are two temporary ways in which a minor can be out of the custody of their parent. Either join any branch of the Armed Forces or marriage. However, if the marriage is dissolved or minor is discharged from the service and still under the age of 18 the custody automatically reverts back to the parent who originally had custody."

If the mother who has legal custody of her son cannot be contacted can the father who has physiclal custody emancipate him and send him to live with his girlfriend's family?

Emancipation must be granted through a court