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Q: Is endoplasmic reticulum bounded by 2 membranes?
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What are the two functions of rough endoplasmic reticulum?

The reason rough endoplasmic reticulum is coz of ribosomes. The ribosomes cover the surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum and make it appear bumpy under microscopic magnification. Ribosomes are the sites where proteins are created from amino acids. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is connected with the outer envelope of the cell nucleus. The following are the main functions of rough endoplasmic reticulum: 1)The prime rough endoplasmic reticulum function is the production and processing of specific proteins at ribosomal sites that are later exported. 2)As I said before, rough endoplasmic reticulum function involves, creation of two types of proteins. One is the type which fortifies and gets embedded into the reticulum membrane. The other types are water soluble membranes which after creation at ribosomal sites, pass through the membrane and into the lumen. 3)The function of rough endoplasmic reticulum doesn't end there. The proteins that enter are further processed inside, the proteins are folded into the right three dimensional shapes and carbohydrates may be added. 4)The next rough endoplasmic reticulum function is to transport these ready proteins to the sites where the are required. They may also be sent to the Golgi bodies for further advanced processing, through vesicles.

2 integral membrane proteins such as transport proteins are permanently attached to cellular membranes after integral membrane proteins are synthesized which organelle would aid in transporting?

Proteins are often synthesized by ribosomes on the rough Endoplasmic Reticulum.

What is the organelle that provides the internal structure for a cell?

These are - 1.microfilament 2.microtubules 3.intermidiate filaments 4.endoplasmic reticulum

What does a smooth endoplasmic reticulum do in a plant cell do?

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is a vast network of membrane-bound vesicles and tubules. It does the following: 1. lipid and steroid hormone synthesis 2. breakdown of lipid-soluble toxins in liver cells 3. control of calcium release in muscle cell contraction

Which 2 structures are found in plant cells that are also found in animal cells?

Animal cell: Nucleus(except for red blood cell,etc) Cell Membrane Cytoplasm numerous tiny vacuoles More: lysomes,flagellum(tail like thing in sperms).rough endoplasmic reticulum(RER) smooth endplasmic reticulum(SER), ribosomes Plant Cell: +cell wall +chloroplasts + large central vacuole - numerous tiny vacuoles -flagellum

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What 2 organelle has enzymes?

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What are the 2 largest compartments of a cell?

The nucleus and the endoplasmic reticulum

What is smooth endplasmic reticulum?

Endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle present in cells. There are 2 types: - smooth endoplasmic reticulum - rough endoplasmic reticulum The rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes on its surface whereas the smooth one doesn't

What are the two functions of rough endoplasmic reticulum?

The reason rough endoplasmic reticulum is coz of ribosomes. The ribosomes cover the surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum and make it appear bumpy under microscopic magnification. Ribosomes are the sites where proteins are created from amino acids. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is connected with the outer envelope of the cell nucleus. The following are the main functions of rough endoplasmic reticulum: 1)The prime rough endoplasmic reticulum function is the production and processing of specific proteins at ribosomal sites that are later exported. 2)As I said before, rough endoplasmic reticulum function involves, creation of two types of proteins. One is the type which fortifies and gets embedded into the reticulum membrane. The other types are water soluble membranes which after creation at ribosomal sites, pass through the membrane and into the lumen. 3)The function of rough endoplasmic reticulum doesn't end there. The proteins that enter are further processed inside, the proteins are folded into the right three dimensional shapes and carbohydrates may be added. 4)The next rough endoplasmic reticulum function is to transport these ready proteins to the sites where the are required. They may also be sent to the Golgi bodies for further advanced processing, through vesicles.

2 integral membrane proteins such as transport proteins are permanently attached to cellular membranes after integral membrane proteins are synthesized which organelle would aid in transporting?

Proteins are often synthesized by ribosomes on the rough Endoplasmic Reticulum.

2 letter abbreviation for the network of channels inside the cell?

ER stands for endoplasmic reticulum. In Latin, reticulummeans "little net". ER surrounds the nucleus and comes in two forms: rough (ribosomes embedded in membrane) and smooth (no ribosomes).

Where are Ca2 plus ions stored?

Ca 2+ ( calcium ions ) are stored in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

Describe the functions of the endoplasmic retriculum Golgi apparatus?

Endoplasmic Reticulum- 1. it helps in the transportation of materials within the cell. 2. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum makes proteins and Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum makes lipids or fats and help in detoxifying the poisons and drugs in a cell. 3.proteins and fats of Endoplasmic Reticulum helps in formation of cell membrane by the process called membrane bio genesis. Golgi apparatus- 1. it packs, stores and transports materials produced in a cell. 2. it form complex sugars. 3. it forms lysosomes.

What organelles make and package proteins?

The organelle known as "Endoplasmic Reticulum" is responsible for finishing the protein molecules and packaging them. They come in two kinds: 1. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (S-ER), which do not have ribosomes attached, and mainly manufacture lipids and package them in vesicles. 2. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (R-ER), which have ribosomes attached, and can manufacture as well as add non-polypeptide groups to polypeptide chains to make finished proteins. These also pack the proteins into vesicles. Endoplasmic Reticuli present in muscle cells are known as Sarcoplasmic reticuli.

What is the functions of endoplasmic reticulum?

Basically, it performs the synthesis and modification of proteins and their shipping to the Golgi for further modification (O-glycosylation, for instance ), then the Golgi is the shipping department of the cell.. The smooth ER has to do with the modification of lipids and carbohydrates, and detoxification of the cell.----------------------------------------------------------------The Endoplasmic Reticulum as a whole works to compartmentalize the cell by weaving into sheets all across the cell. The portions of the ER studded with ribosomes (labeled Rough) synthesize proteins while the portions without ribosomes (labeled Smooth) synthesize lipids. Basically, if you compare a cell to a city, the endoplasmic reticula are the roads in which materials can be processed and moved around inside of the cell.It has ribosomes inside which make and sort proteins (also known as synthesis). Rough endoplasmic reticula synthesize proteins, while smooth endoplasmic reticula synthesize lipids and steroids, metabolize carbohydrates and steroids, and regulate calcium concentration, drug detoxification, and attachment of receptors on cell membrane proteins.---There are two parts of the endoplasmic reticulum; the smooth and the rough. The endoplasmic reticulum has several general functions, one being the facilitation of protein folding and the transport of synthesized proteins in cisternae. Only proteins that are folded properly are transported into the Golgi complex from the rough Endoplasmic Reticulum. The "ER" also attaches oligosaccharides in a process called Glycosylation. ( N-glycosylation ) 1. Proteins that are transported by the endoplasmic reticulum.2. Glycosylation3. Disulfide bond formation and rearrangement4. Drug Metabolismgolgi apparatusrough er is found through the cell

What is the organelle that provides the internal structure for a cell?

These are - 1.microfilament 2.microtubules 3.intermidiate filaments 4.endoplasmic reticulum