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Q: Is energy in a cell phone transferred from outside home or already stored in cell phone?
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When a molecule of glucose is broken down b y aerobic respiration the energy stored in the glucose gets transferred to?

The energy stored in the glucose molecule gets transferred to molecules of ATP.

Is kinetic energy often called stored energy?

No, Stored energy is Potential Energy. Kinetic Energy is already in motion.

How the energy is transferred as a catapult is fired?

The energy stored in the stretched rubber (or elastic) is converted into the kinetic energy of the missile.

How does energy move from one level to the next?

Energy is transferred from one level to the next as organisms are consumed. The transfer is inefficient as 90% of the stored energy is lost as heat when that stored energy is burned.

The light energy is transformed into what energy by the chloroplast in plants?

light energy is transferred to chemical energy which is stored as glucose

Where and how was the the energy stored before it was transferred in pumping up the tire?

I assume you mean TIRE. The energy is usually stored up in whoever PUMPS UP the tire, and then you go lie down, to RE-CHARGE your energy cells!

How is energy transfered and conserved?

Energy can be transferred in many different ways; for instance, heat energy can be transferred by conduction, convection and radiation; energy can be transferred by electrical energy, or by sound, light, or by several other waves; a moving object (which has all sorts of types of energy) will change its position; etc.

How are grain turned into energy?

It isn't exactly "turned into energy"; grain already HAS energy. When we eat it, we are eating the chemical energy stored in the grain.

What type of energy does a clock use?

The energy is stored in a battery and transferred to the clock. I am guessing you are talking about an electronic one? Please be more specific of your questions next time.

How is energy transferred from the cell to the bulb in parallel circuits and series circuits?

it is transferred by chemical energy stored in the circuit to electrical energy which lights the bulb creating light energy then heat energy chemical energy -> electrical energy -> light energy -> heat energy p.s. I'm twelve and learned this during may i guess I'm going to pass my physics and chemistry test

How is ATP created from stored energy in the body?

ATP isn't created. The law of conservation of energy tells us that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to the other. ATP is converted from glycogen to ATP. Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles.

When chlorophyll absorbs engery where does it go?

iy is happening intheabsorbing center.Chlorophyll absorb sun light.