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if the fruit is climacteric it will speed up the ripening process.

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Q: How does ethylene gas afect fruit?
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Does ethylene gas help speed up the growth of plants?

No, a high amount of Ethylene gas will result in stunted growth and flower drop. It does speed up the ripening on the mature fruit. Some growers harvest fruit green then use ethylene gas to artificially ripen the fruit.

What gas is produced during decomposition of fruit?


How can ethylene gas help humans?

ripens fruit

Do all ripening fruit release ethylene gas?

no, but most do.

How does ethylene gas accelerate the ripening of a banana?

Ethylene gas is a plant hormone that triggers fruit ripening in many plants. The plants start producing ethylene themselves to synchronize ripening of all the fruit on the tree at the same time. Humans use ethylene gas to allow them to pick unripe fruit (which will survive better in transportation over long distances than ripe fruit could) and trigger ripening at the destination shortly before selling the fruit to the public.

When green fruits are wrapped in a newspaper they ripen faster than when left unwrapped plan and design a experiment to prove this?

It's a plant hormone called ethylene gas. Ethylene gas causes fruit to ripen. The more ethylene gas in an area, the faster the fruit ripens

Why do fruits ripen faster during sunny days?

They give off ethylene gas which will ripen other fruit. Ethylene gas is also used in greenhouse to artificially ripen fruit commercially.

What fruit has the most ethylene gas oranges or limes?

limes and limespears

What is the source of ethylene gas in a plant?

a side effect of fruit ripening

What fruit releases the most ethylene?

Apple, bananas, pears. A rotting fruit you'll find will give off more ethylene gas than a healthy fruit.

Is it true that wrapping fruits in newspaper cause them to ripen more quickly?

yes this is true...when fruits are wrapped, the ethylene gas is trapped close to the fruit and a greater concentration of the gas is available to the fruit. because ethylene gas is a ripening hormone it causes the fruit to ripen quicker than if exposed to air.

How do rotten oranges become rotten?

If they're out in the open, the fruits release ethylene gas into the air. and since the fruit is exposed to the air, the ethylene gas ruins the fruit. if it is in a plastic container, then the ethylene gas makes the fruit go rotten even faster because the concentration of ethylene is so high in the container.