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No it's not. In fact, Netherlands is the first country which legalized euthanasia. There are very strict rules for euthanasia. And sometimes it's considered a crime. Euthanasia is only legal when someone has to suffer forever and many doctors agree with it. So it's hard to get it in the Netherlands.

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Q: Is euthanasia considered a crime in the Netherlands?
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Is euthanasia still a crime in most states?

yes euthanasia is still a crime in most states

Which country was the first to legalize euthanasia?

The Netherlands

What countries still perform euthanasia?

The Netherlands.

Does euthanasia still exist today?

Yes, the Netherlands.

What are some facts about euthanasia?

euthanasia is legal in the Netherlands with or without the consent of the patient. Guidelines have been adopted to allow the killing of newborns. Euthanasia is legal in Belgium and Luxembourg

What year did the Netherlands make euthanasia legal?

The Netherlands legalized euthanasia on Monday April 1st, 2002. It was practiced illegally for many years prior. This was the first country in the world to make it legal.

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Does Mexico have euthanasia?

No. It is considered illegal.

Which country euthanasia not legal?

The Netherlands, and certain states of the United States are two that come to mind.

Euthanasia crime or not?

* Euthanasia is a crime in most States with the exception of Oregon and Washington, but Texas, Minnesota and a few other States are trying to accept Euthanasia into their States. It's not a crime to the person that is ill if that individual has a long-term painful illness where they will not get better and want to die with dignity. Often doctors keep patients alive due to the Hippocratic Oath, but more and more doctors are 'for' Euthanasia. Some people are against it because of their religious beliefs. One day in the not too distant future Euthanasia will be an individuals right to decide upon.

In what countries is euthanasia legal?

Non-active euthanasia, or assisted suicide, is legal in three US states;OregonWashingtonMontanaNew Hampshire is currently considering a bill on assisted suicideActive euthanasia, commonly referred simply as euthanasia, is only legal in:the NetherlandsBelgiumAssisted suicide is also legal in:AlbaniaLuxembourg

What limits do parents have to decide on euthanasia for their children in western Australia?

Total Euthanasia in WA is considered murder.