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Q: Which country was the first to legalize euthanasia?
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Canada was the first country to legalize same-sex marriage.

Was Canada the first country to legalize same-sex marriage?

No, the Netherlands was first in 2001.

Who was first to legalize euthanasia?

If you believe in the Bible, I suppose you could say that God created euthanasia. He (allegedly) facilitated the deaths of people suffering from an "incurable condition" - corruption and wickedness. If you don't believe in the Bible, you could still say that the fable of the Ark brought about the idea of a sort of euthanasia, which could have easily developed into the meaning it has today. This is just a theory, of course.

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The first emperor to legalize Christianity is Constantine

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Denmark was the first country to legalize such a union back in 1989 and many other countries have since followed. In the U.S., only a handful of states offer civil unions, none of which are recognized by the federal government.

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Who should one write to about legalizing euthanasia?

In the United States, unsuccessful suicides or attempted suicides form the penal codes usually used to bar euthanasia. These are typically enforced at the state level. You should write to your regional congressperson in your state legislatures to try to persuade him to legalize euthanasia in your state.

Is euthanasia considered a crime in the Netherlands?

No it's not. In fact, Netherlands is the first country which legalized euthanasia. There are very strict rules for euthanasia. And sometimes it's considered a crime. Euthanasia is only legal when someone has to suffer forever and many doctors agree with it. So it's hard to get it in the Netherlands.

Why was Denmark the first country to legalize same-sex marriage?

Denmark was not the first country to legalize same-sex marriage. That honor falls to the Netherlands. Denmark was, however, the first country to offer a kind of registered partnership that provided some of the benefits of marriage. The purpose of the legislation was just that, to provide some of the benefits of marriage to same-sex couples.

Does Libya allow euthanasia?

as of yet, Libya has no legislation allowing euthanasia within the country

What year did the Netherlands make euthanasia legal?

The Netherlands legalized euthanasia on Monday April 1st, 2002. It was practiced illegally for many years prior. This was the first country in the world to make it legal.