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The Morality of euthanasia depends on which side of the fence you are standing on. The argument is religious and political above all. for example the same people that say helping a person in suffering from a terminal disease voluntarily end their life is not ethical say that dropping napalm on the homes of village children and their parents is because they are under the power of a group whose politics they don't like.

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Q: Is euthanasia is morally permissible
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Is voluntary active euthanasia morally preferable to passive euthanasia?

If you are talking about suicide among the terminally ill, that is of course a frightful option . obviously the suicide wants to die and is taking his or her own life .

Is moral permissibility the same as legal permissibility?

No moral and legal permissibility are not the same. Moral permissibility is what is morally allowed and legal permissibility is what is legally allowed. An act can be morally permissible but can also be against the law.

Why do you think euthanasia is morally wrong?

It is morally wrong because God should pick when you die and also since your killing your self you are breaking a sin basically you are committing murder. That is why it is morally wrong.

Does the state use euthenasia for bird control?

No, the state does not use euthanasia for bird control. That would be morally unethical. However, they can try to change the environment for bird control.

Is moral permisability the same as legal permisability?

No. Although some laws can be perceived as based on morals, there is a difference. For example, you think that strip clubs are not morally permissible. While strip clubs are regulated, they are not illegal. Therefore they are legally permissible. The same concept can be applied to contraception.

How do most Americans citzens feel about euthanaisa?

About 61% of Americans support euthanasia. 32% of Americans support doctor assisted suicide. Others say that these practices are morally unacceptable.

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Homosexuality isn't a choice. Gay people don't choose to be gay. Accepting them as equals with equal rights to love and happiness is the morally permissible thing to do.

Is eating meat is ever morally permissible?

Depends on what you believe. Personally I like a good steak and I don't think of it as a moral issue or not. Beef is raised to be eaten so it is neither a moral issue or not. You have to decide what works for you.

Why is euthanasia right to doctors?

Euthanasia against the patients' will is illegal worldwide. Physician-assisted-death, where the patient self-administers the lethal medication, is only legal in certain countries and the states of Montana, Oregon, and Washington. The debate over euthanasia stems from whether it's morally right to allow people to kill themselves to end their suffering from fatal and/or painful illnesses. Most doctors probably consider euthanasia wrong, though some might argue that it's the patients right to decide whether to suffer or to end their own lives.

What are some criticisms of cultural relativism?

Cultural Relativism is important because, when taking into account philosophical moral views it is vital to remember that different cultures have different views on what is moral and what is immoral. Especially if you are trying to find one absolute moral rule/law/truth. For example what is morally permissible in one culture may not be morally permissible in another. Such as cannibalism. Say that there are tribes in Africa that believe cannibalism is morally permissible - so long as it's not from your own tribe. To us that sounds horrific, cannibalism is not only immoral but also illegal (keep in mind though that just because something is illegal does not necessarily make it immoral and vice versa(sp?)). Taking into account the difference in cultures allows us to view this act with less horror and more with a critical inquiry; which is important when searching for that ever elusive absolute truth.

Is euthanasia legal in Greece?

No, euthanasia is illegal in Greece.

Did legalise the euthanasia Sweden?

Euthanasia is illegal in Sweden.