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Sort of. Fast food is not good for you, but "Supersize Me" over-exaggerated some claims and took fast-food-intake and eating to an un-natural extreme.

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Q: Is fast food as bad for you as supersize me suggests?
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Should the US get rid of all fast food?

Not all fast food but only the really bad fast food, that is not only bad for you, but also tastes bad, well, I assume that it tastes bad, because I live in Melbourne, Australia.

What should you consider when eating at at fast-food restaurant?

Watch supersize me, it will change you. Well you should consider a little every now and then is not too bad for you, but over say 4 times a week it starts to get unhealthy, try getting low saturated fat meals and having water insted of soda.

What foods are bad for a baby?

Hi the foods that are extremely bad for babies are junk food and foods that are high in fat such as fast food , fast food french fries and oily food Hope this helps

What foods are Bad for babies?

Hi the foods that are extremely bad for babies are junk food and foods that are high in fat such as fast food , fast food french fries and oily food Hope this helps

What is fat food why is fat food bad?

if you mean fast food... fast food is the type of food that is made very fast and served fast, it is bad because the oil is used over and over, the price is low and it attracts more customers, the food is not healthy at all because its high lipids, fats, carbs...etc

How comes fast food is bad for you?

high in fat

How is fast food bad for the economy?

Fast food is very bad for the economy because most Americans are becoming obese and spending money on weight loss aids.

Eating fast food isn't bad if you only eat it once a week?

It is bad to eat Fast food. please Study how fast foods are being made...what chemicals goes into it and then study their effects on the body.

How is fast food bad for you?

Fast food will be very unhealthy for you, it could lead to several deases that can cause you to have a short life span

Why fast food is dangerous for growing children?

Fast Food Can Be Bad For Anybody To Eat But I Wouldn't Say Its Dangerous unless you eat to much of it ^^

Is mcdonald's bad for you?

Not if eaten in moderation, like any fast food.

Why are fast food restaurant bad for you?

because they make you fat and chubby