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no some people are scared but only because they think they'll go there when they die so don't worry

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2d ago

No, fear of hell is not considered a mental illness. It is a common emotion or belief experienced by individuals who adhere to certain religious teachings or traditions. It is important to differentiate between religious beliefs and mental health conditions.

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What country classed homosexuality as a mental illness?

Virtually all countries classified homosexuality as a mental illness at one point in their histories. Some still do.Virtually all countries classified homosexuality as a mental illness at one point in their histories. Some still do.

How has how people see mental illness changed through time?

Over time, there has been a shift towards viewing mental illness as a medical issue rather than a moral failing. In the past, individuals with mental illness were often stigmatized and marginalized, but today there is growing awareness and acceptance of mental health issues. However, stigma and misconceptions still exist, highlighting the need for ongoing education and advocacy.

What scientist studies mental illness?

Psychiatrists and psychologists are the scientists who study mental illness. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating mental illnesses, while psychologists study behavior and mental processes to understand and treat mental health issues.

Why is there discrimination due to misinformation assumptions and stereotypes about mental illness?

Discrimination related to mental illness often stems from fear, lack of understanding, and perpetuation of negative stereotypes through media and societal beliefs. Misinformation and assumptions can lead to stigmatization and create barriers for individuals seeking help or support for their mental health struggles. Education, awareness, and destigmatization efforts are important in challenging these misconceptions and promoting understanding and acceptance.

What is the different between mental health illness and depression?

Mental illness is a broad term that encompasses a range of conditions affecting a person's emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Depression, on the other hand, is a specific mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities. Depression is one type of mental illness, but there are many other conditions that fall under the broader category of mental health illness.

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Where is homosexuality considered a mental illness?

No because technically phobias aren't classed as mental illnesses, but people can be treated for them if they are causing impairment. Also Homophobia relates more to the hatred of homosexuals and many people ignore that it is also the fear of (as the two can be expressed through aggression). Also such phobias as Arachnophobia and Acrophobia only relate to the fear itself; the fear of spiders and fear of flying where homophobia is used more as a term for implying the discrimination of homosexuals ("they are "homophobic") rather than the fear of homosexuals.

Why does Anorexia happen?

anorexia is ocurs for diffrent reasons mostly poor self isteem, depreesion, and having the mental illness of the fear of being fat. anorexia is ocurs for diffrent reasons mostly poor self isteem, depreesion, and having the mental illness of the fear of being fat.

Rapid breathing dizziness sweating and fear of losing control are all symptoms of?

Mental illness, a panic attack,

You fear your parents. Who should you tell if you think you've got a serious mental illness?

Doctor, school counsoler, and/or a psychiatrist

Are you considered mental if you're afraid of ketchup?

If you don't care for ketchup and don't want to eat anything that has ketchup on it, then no that is a personal preference and not any kind of mental illness. However, if you suffer from an irrational fear of ketchup that interferes with your activities of daily living, then this could be a symptom of mental illness.

How do you get permanent relief from sinusitis caused by mental illness?

Sinusitis is not caused by mental illness. Mental illness can be caused by sinusitis infection.

What is an open plea with mental illness?

not guilty by reason of mental illness

Who had the first mental illness?

Mental illness predates recorded history.

When was The Myth of Mental Illness created?

The Myth of Mental Illness was created in 1961.

When was Rethink Mental Illness created?

Rethink Mental Illness was created in 1972.

Does sugar cause mental illness?

Consuming sugar in moderation as part of a balanced diet is not directly linked to causing mental illness. However, excessive sugar intake can lead to mood swings, spikes in blood sugar levels, and potential long-term health issues that may indirectly impact mental health. It's important to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to support overall mental well-being.

Is anorixia a mental illness?

"Anorexia nervosa" is an eating disorder which is a mental illness,yes.