

Best Answer

Yes, there are some supplements you may want to add:

ALL very safe...

GARLIC is small dosages is fine: ( as long as you have a healthy dog) Omega 3 is very much needed for joints/ hips and patella ( Knee ) health.

SEE here: 1 per day - always: Omega 3

My clients have had great luck with Nature's Sunshine :

GARLIC sure does get rid of Fleas:

Garlic / take one per day in the Cold months and 2 per day in the WARM Flea months....( and to help prevent worms) HOME MADE FLEA SPRAY - natural

Also, below is my recipe for Natural Flea Spray : make at home...

To avoid worms: This works well: Garlic / It is an anti parasitic , too...

Concerned about Garlic - READ This / Good READ...

My Natural Flea Spray recipe:


Make Bandit's Flea Buster Spray*****

Bandit's Flea Buster Spray: 8 Oz Water, 4-6 Drops of Tea Tree Oil, 4-

6 Drops of Lavender Oil. Keep in the refrigerator, shake well before

using and spray lightly, do not soak the coat.


USE Nature's Sunsine Products....

Ask Marie about the 20% or higher discount...

Pet Nurse Marie /

Don't order any of the oils till you talk to Marie....she can help you get Member prices at Nature's Sunshine...

Fast shipping and FRESH product.

Don't use the old stuff at the Walmart !

NEXT - Make your own powder:

Make your own Powder for flea repelling!

Herbal Flea Repellant Powder:

recipe from "All You Ever Wanted to

Know about Herbs for Pets"

by Mary Wullf-Tilford,

1 part Diatamacous Earth,

2 parts Feverfew flowers,

2 parts Mullein flowers,

2 parts yarrow flowers,

1 part sage or thyme.

( "A Part" is just an amount - could be 1 cup or 1/2 cup )

YOU decide how big your recipe will be:

Any Questions???

Just ask

Marie Peppers

AND Last, Don't forget a good Daily Vitamin/supplement like NuVET -

see here:

Good for All your kid's Body systems ....Keeps the vet away...

This is a Supplement / Immune system booster / take 2 per day / treat wafers...

1 bottle of 90 is 55.00

ASK for the 15% off Discount on NuVET Products..

Tell them Marie Peppers Sent you from All Experts...

BEST wishes to you!

Keep me posted.

Marie Peppers LPN MA

JOIN our Free Yahoo group:

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Q: Is feeding garlic to your dog safe?
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What kind of garlic should you feed your Maltese?

What are you feeding your dog? No no no! Don't make your poor dog eat that stuff!!

Are pickles safe for a dog to eat?

I don't think it will do your dog very much harm, but pickles are NOT something that you should be feeding to your dog.

Will a little bit of garlic bread poison a dog?

no dog would be fine..mine have eaten it a few times just be careful how much scraps your feeding your dog more so even if its a small dog as they have more sensitive digestive systems.

Can you worm a female dog while she is feeding her puppies?

Yes, but only with certain dewormers - there are a couple safe ones for nursing dogs. Your veterinarian can help you select a safe and effective dewormer for your dog if she needs it at this time.

How many bones can you give your dog is it safe to feed him one marrow bone a day?

it depends on the size of your dog, if you are feeding your dog bones, and the dog is able to finish off that bone that day, then it should be safe as long as you are substituting it for a meal. the bone should be the size of a normal healthy meal for the dog

Is garlic safe for a bichon frise?

garlic is bad for all dogs

Can you feed a dog garlic?

No, garlic doesn't outright kill a dog. If given too much, a dog can get very sick, but it doesn't usually kill a dog. A little garlic powder sprinkled on a dogs' food has been suggested to help control fleas, so it doesn't hurt if there isn't too much garlic.

Will garlic kill fleas?

Many people believe that feeding their animals a garlic supplement will kill fleas.

Do you feed your dog garlic every meal for fleas?

No, garlic causes changes in red blood cells of dogs and is toxic. It is more potent than onions. To be on the safe side, avoid even treats with high concentration of garlic (bulbs, bulbets, flowers, and stems) are toxic.

Is oxidize garlic safe to eat?

yes because it is garlic i put it in noodles

How much garlic should you give your dog?

Not all dogs have bad reactions to garlic. Many owners report a shiner coat and less fleas after adding garlic to their pet's diet. However, in significant quantities both garlic and onions are poisonous to dogs. They can cause anemia if enough is consumed. The AAHA and ASPCA recommend that you do not feed garlic to any dogs.

What poison smells like dog breath and garlic?

because of eating garlic?