

Is fever enough to assume you have H1N1?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No, you would expect to see more than one of the symptoms to think that you might have Swine Flu (Novel A-H1N1/09). See the related question below for a list of symptoms.

Since the seasonal flu strains of influenza have the same symptoms as Swine Flu you could not be certain which type of flu you have without a specific laboratory test. However, the treatment would not be different, unless you are hospitalized and then is when they would do the testing.

See the related question below for information about seeing a doctor.

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Q: Is fever enough to assume you have H1N1?
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yes, because h1n1 is the swine flu and flu's are alot like fevers

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The cat will not get the fever unless you have the H1N1 flu virus. So, if you nor your cat has H1N1, there isn't anything to worry about.

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What will happen if you have a fever when you get the H1N1 vaccine?

nothing will happen if you have a fever it is just a side effect of the shot and should go down in 2-3 days. you can also take advil to control the fever.

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Most likely you have something other than H1N1. If there is a fever, it would be advantageous to get it checked out at a health clinic.

Can you get H1N1 flu shot if you have a cold?

Most people can, because most people don't get a fever from a cold. If you have a fever, you should not get a flu shot, but if you only have a mild cold without fever, it is okay to go ahead and get the vaccination, if you are an otherwise healthy person.

Tami flu is enough to treat H1N1 with no antibiotic?

H1N1 or Swine flu is a virus. Antibiotics will have NO effect whatsoever on a viral infection. Tamiflu should reduce the time you have symptoms by two days.

Can you have swine flu without a cough or congestion?

You can have swine flu without fever. Fully 1/2 of people with swine flu have had no fever. I did not have a fever, but I ended up with acute pneumonia after only 24 hours. It went straight to my chest! Here's an article about having swine flu without a fever:

If you Had Swine Flu Would you Be Cold Or Hot?

Having a fever can make you feel cold and shiver from sweating. It is nature's way to cool you off from a fever. You may also feel hot with a fever. You can have a fever with the Swine Flu (Novel H1N1), so you may feel either way from the fever. See related question links below for more information about swine flu symptoms.

What are the symotoms the the H1N1 virus?

Symptoms of H1N1 swine flu are like regular flu symptoms and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Many people with swine flu have had diarrhea and vomiting.

If H1N1 symptoms started on Tuesday but you tested positive on Saturday when should you return to work?

My 17 month old has the h1n1 flu. The doctor said once the fever stops you are still contagious for 24 hours, Then expect a cough to last for a while. Hope you feel better soon!

Is 103.8 a fever?

Yes, 103.8º F fever is high enough to require medical attention.