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A solution is a mixture of 2 or more substances that consists of solids, liquids or gases. So, the answer would be yes.

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no it doesn't

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9y ago

A mixture.

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Q: Is flour mix with water produced a solution?
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Why doesn't flour dissolve in hot water?

It's not dense enough to dissolve in water.

What happens when you mix flour and water?

You get a paste.

Why can't pepper and water be a solution?

Water and Pepper do not make a solution because they do not mix together. Salt and water are a solution because they mix together.

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Why is it possible to seprate suger and flour?

Sugar will dissolve in water but flour won't. Mix both in water, strain out the flour. Evaporate the water and what is left is sugar.

How do you make flubber without borax and starch?

You mix flour and water together, you have to have at least flour and water to make flubber.

Will flour and water form a suspension why?

Yes it does. If you mix water and flour together - then leave it to stand for some time... the flour will sink to the bottom - leaving clear water on top.

What is produced when the kidneys mix waste with water?

When your kineys mix waste with water it forms urine.

What happens when you mix flour with water?

When flour mixes with water it takes on a thick and sticky paste-like substance. A flour and water mix can also be used as a very adhesive and safe glue substitute.

What a miscible solution is?

its a liquid that does not mix in water.

How can paper mache paste be produced?

There are many different ways to make paper mache paste. One option is a no-cook option, in which one only has to mix water and flour together. Another option is cooked paper mache paste, in which one has to boil water and stir a water and flour mixture into it. There is also resin paper mache paste, in which water is boiled and a mixture of powdered glue resin, flour, and warm water are mixed into it.

What happens when flour is mixed with water?

When you mix flour and water, there is no chemical reaction involved. When you mix the two, it turns to a watery goop or sometimes a simple doughy substance.