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Elemental fluorine is extremely toxic.

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Q: Is fluorine poisonous or not poisonous?
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Are chlorine iodine and fluorine poisonous gas?

yes,they are poisonous.

Why is fluoride difficult to deal with?

Do you mean fluorine? Fluorine is difficult to deal with as it is highly poisonous.

Is fluorine dull or shiny?

Fluorine is neither dull nor shin, it is NOT a solid. It is an elemental yellow gas, and very poisonous.

What are fluorine's properties?

Fluorine is a pale-yellow, highly corrosive, poisonous, gaseous halogen element, the most electronegative and most reactive of all the elements.

What gas is poisonous?

Many gasses are poisonous; including chlorine, fluorine, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, methane and others.

What are the touted benefits of fluorine?

Fluorine is a poisonous gas. You may be thinking of fluoride, which used as a rinse, added to toothpaste, and added to water supplies, helps prevent cavities.

1s2 2s2 2p5?

The electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p5 is for the element fluorine. Fluorine is a corrosive and poisonous gas. It has an atomic number of 9 and its group number is 17.

Is fluorine poisonous or not poisinous?

Elemental fluorine is extremely toxic. The fluoride ion is somewhat toxic, but is safe enough to use in toothpaste as long as you don't swallow too much.

What element can be used as a slow poison?

What poison, specifically? Several elements are poisonous all by themselves ... arsenic, chlorine, and fluorine to name a few. Lead isn't acutely "poisonous", but it (and several other elements) cause heavy metal toxicity. Plutonium will kill you via ionizing radiation. And so on.

CAN atoms be deadly poisonous?

Some elements are toxic (mercury, beryllium, etc.), corrosive (chlorine, fluorine), radioactive (plutonium, americium).

What are three physical appearance of fluorine in pure form at room teperature?

ok well pure fluorine is coloured pale yellow, it is a highly corrosive and poisonous gas. it has a vitreous and dull lustre. at room temperature it is a gas.

What is the Most toxic substance know in periodic table?

Elements are in the periodic table not substances, the most reactive of those elements would be Fluorine because of its electronegativity.