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Q: Is gay and ghetto the same thing?
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What does she ratchet mean?

it's basicly the same thing as ghetto

Is the singer De La Ghetto gay?


Can you be gay and lesbian?

The words "gay" and "lesbian" mean the same thing.

Is being a ghetto chick a good thing?

nobody likes a ghetto chick but the ghetto guy...

What do gay people do in Dubai?

same thing stright people do..

What is jail to a gay man?

Jail is the same thing to a gay man as it is to a straight man. Lack of freedom.

What does God do with gay and lesbian people?

God does the same thing with gay and lesbian people that He does with straight people.

Is ghetto a bad word?

NO! It is actually a noun or a place, most people use "ghetto" as adjective. But that is not the correct was to use it! And ghetto is not a bad word either.

What does it mean when someone says shes ratchet?

It a rude thing to say about a person. It means you are the ghetto-est of the ghetto

Does wearing capris make you gay?

No. The only thing that makes you gay is being sexually attracted to people of the same gender as you.

Is arcangel influenced by de la ghetto?

No, Arcangel and De La Ghetto rose up as a group.. Then did there independent thing..

Is a Ghetto and a death camp the same thing?

No. A death or extermination camp was intended solely for the purpose of killing. A ghetto was a sealed off district where Jews were herded together under appalling conditions. Please see the links for more information.