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washing hands because you spend more time under soap and water, therefore suspending more microbe bacteria on your hands.

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Q: Is germ x more effective or soap and hot water to wash your hands?
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Related questions

How many germ are there in hands?

there are more than 5000 germs on your hand

Which one removes more germs washing your hands or germ x?

Germ-x kills pretty much all the germs, but washing your hands only removes them ,and they go down the sink. They don't die though.

Why should hand antiseptics not be use in place of hand washing?

Handwashing is the number 1 way to eliminate germs. By effective washing we remove the germs from our hands. Effective washing meaning that you vigorously rub your hands with soap - front and back and between your fingers - for at least 1-3 minutes. Antiseptics on the other hand do not "remove" the germs, they merely kill them on the surface. Why is this different? Certain bacteria have an inner spore. Antiseptics kill the outside of the germ but leave the active spore which is actually more harmful than the bacteria itself. You can only 'remove' the germ by washing your hands.

What is the sanitizer for the hands?

Well, if you want your hands to be germ free, use hand sanitizers with 60- 90 percent of alcohol. Such as Purell, Germout, Germ-x, Bacide, Aquim, Aquawet and others with more than 60 percent of alcohol. So don't use non-alcohol hand sanitizers.

What temperature are germs more active?

its different from germ to germ

Where does the dirt on your hands disappear to when washed with waterless hand cleaners?

The dirt doesn't just simply "disappear". The cleansers kill most of the harmful bacteria that is on your hands, but the dirt is still on your hands. This is why washing your hands is more effective.

Is water enough to get rid of and kill sperm if it gets on your hands or do you need something more?

Sperm is very sensitive. Just rubbing your hands together will kill sperm. But washing with soap doesn't help either. Remember though sperm can live 5-7 days inside the other person's body. YOU NEED MORE BECAUSE GERMS SO BUY A BOTTLE OF GERM-X IT KILLS 99.9% OF GERMS WITH OUT WATER SO YOU CAN USE IT ON THE GO AGREE WITH the LATTER

How do you numb your hands quickly?

loads of people say dunk your hands in coldwater for like 2min or sit on your hands for 2 min but 1. it doesnt last long and 2. the sitting on the hands doesnt work for me. I found lying on your side with your fore arm underneath you on a hard floor was more effective than the others. hope this helped

Is solar heating of water more cost effective than electricalof water?

Solar water heating is generally more cost effective than an electrical water heater. Though solar water heaters usually have a higher initial investment if commercially purchased.

What is a more scientific word for germ?


Is the lemonade diet more effective than just drinking water?

No. Nothing beats water.

Are there more germs on hands than on feet?

yes, because hands get in touch with water taps in toilets and doorknobs in general.