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Getting a high school diploma could be a short term goal or a long term goal depending upon where you are in the process. If you have one more month of high school to complete, that is relatively short term. If you are just entering high school and expect to be there for four years, that is long term.

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Q: Is getting a high school diploma a short term goal or a long term goal?
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A short-term goal for many high school freshman is to acclimate themselves to the high school setting. Many high school freshman have a goal just to become familiar with their new setting.

What is the difference between long-term and short-term goals?

A short term goal can be passing a test. A long term can be getting to the next grade.

What is a short -term goal?

A short-term goal is a goal that you can accomplish very easily and very quickly. That's why it's called a "short-term goal". Because it's easy to accomplish and make your goal quickly. You can finish a short-term goal in one week and under. A short term goal is a smaller, easier to accomplish goal that serves as a stepping stone to accomplishing a bigger long-term goal.

What is a short-term goal?

A short-term goal is a goal that you can accomplish very easily and very quickly. That's why it's called a "short-term goal". Because it's easy to accomplish and make your goal quickly. You can finish a short-term goal in one week and under. A short term goal is a smaller, easier to accomplish goal that serves as a stepping stone to accomplishing a bigger long-term goal.

What is most likely a short term goal for a high school freshman?

to become intellligent

Write note on short term goal?

A short term goal is a goal that is desired to be achieved in the near future. The near future of a short term goal can be defined as today, tomorrow, next week, or next month.

What the name for getting a goal in soccer?

Getting a goal means to score.

What are the short term and long term goals of a student?

Almost every school has to run 1 mile in P.E. A short term goal would be improving you mile time within 1 week. A long term goal would be something like getting into a good University when you're older.

What is getting a goal in soccer?

a goal in soccer is to "score a goal"

Why is it important to have short-term goal as well as long-term goal?

Because an ongoing sense of achievement prevents demotivation. If you get positive feedback regularly you can keep going to the end. Having short-term goals keeps you from getting frustrated at lack of progress.