

Is glue like cytoplasm

Updated: 10/19/2022
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12y ago

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depends how u think about it.cytoplasm holds the organelles of a cell in place and glue holds things in place but glue starts off wet and then drys which is why it adheers whereas the cytoplasm just contains the organelles so i would say no but others may have a different opinion.

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How is glue and the cytoplasm organelle the same?

Cyptoplasm and glue are both jello like.

What is like cytoplasm?

cytoplasm is like gelatin

What is an analogy for cytoplasm?

Cytoplasm is a water rich substance that is inside of a cell that surrounds the entire contents of that cell. It will liquify if shaken vigorously. Cytoplasm is made up of proteins and molecules for it to survive. The organelle and molecule within the cell touches the cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is to cell as bones are to humans, if there is no cytoplasm, there is no consistency of the cell.

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Analogies for cytoplasm?

Cytoplasm is like those fruit jello cups. The jello is the cytoplasm, and the fruit is everything inside the cell that the cytoplasm holds the cell in it's place. Other analogies are: It is like glue since it holds everything together. I would more compare it to not only holds everything together but that is like the texture too! Air. If you imagined that people were the organelles, and that the world was a big BIG cell. The air could be the cytoplasm.

What is the gel like substance inside a cell?

the gelatin like substance that is inside a cell is called cytoplasm

How is jello like the cytoplasm?

Jello is very similar to cytoplasm. Like the fruit in a jello mold, cytoplasm holds the parts of the cell suspended in place.

What is the gel like fluid that is in between the cell membrane and the nucleus?

This substance is called the cytosol and all the jelly like substance and the organelles are called the cytoplasm.

The cytoplasm is like?

cytoplasm is like jelly in between the major structures of the cell

What organelles are in the gelatin like substance in the cell?

the gelatinlike filling inside a cell is called the cytoplasm. hope that answers your question.

What is a gel like substance that holds the organelles inside of a cell and contains chemicals?

The gel like substance inside a cell is called cytoplasm.

How does glue look like?

Which glue, there are hundreds, - Name your glue -