

Is gravity a fact or theory?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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8y ago

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Well, first of all, your question is awkward, because "theory" doesn't mean "not fact".

Newton's law of universal gravitation can't be proven, but it's a very very very very
successful theory, in many ways.

-- When you take Newton's formula for gravity, and use calculus and geometry
to stroke it and squeeze it and massage it and roll it around in your hands, it
tells you what the shape and size of planetary orbits must be, and how the
planets must move in their orbits . . . and then when you measure the real
motions of the real planets, you find that they actually move as the formula
for gravity says they should.

-- When you take Newton's formula for gravity and use it to program the maneuvers
of a TV satellite, a moon landing, and a space probe to Pluto, those things work just
as you want them to.

None of this "proves" that the formula for gravity is correct in every possible way.
But so far, for more than 300 years, it has been the best formula we have, as long as
we don't try to use it for things that are very very tiny ... like smaller than atoms.

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