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Neither. It's a force. A force of space that acts similar the the pressure of water exerted on an object when in deep waters. Space is the ultimate of deep waters.

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Q: Is gravity a wave or a particle?
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How do you detect if light is a particle or a wave?

Light is both a wave and a particle depending on circumstances; this is referred to as the wave-particle duality of light.

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What is particle wave?

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Alpha is a particle not a wave. Alpha particle are positively charged helium nuclei and have a +2 charge and 4u mass.

Who proposed the wave particle duality of nature?

Einstein. He stated that light acts as both a particle and a wave.

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Einstein's unfinished problem is gravity wave signal, gravity wave telescope, and gravity wave astronomy.

How is the particle-wave paradox of light resolved by modern physics?

The wave-particle duality applies to any object (or wave); not just to light.This is usually understood in the sense that the wave represents the probability of finding the particle in different places.

What particle is believed to mediate gravity?

This hypothetical particle is the graviton.

What is the difference between a wave and a particle?

A wave is a a moving oscillation that transfers energy through a medium. A particle is an object.

Does light have more wave or particle properties?

Both. E = mc2(squared) wave is an energy form while m is mass (particle) einstein proved that light acts as wave and particle at the same time.