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No it is not. There are at least 3 shots; possibly 4.

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Q: Is hepatitis b vaccination a one off thing?
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How long does the Hep B vaccination last My 12 year old son had this at birth and his school is now offering this vaccination for the grade 7s. Should he be vaccinated a 2nd time?

The hepatitis vaccine consists of more than one dose. If your child did not receive the second and third in the series of vaccinations, it may be wise to revaccinate. There is no risk in revaccination. If you have your child's vaccination records, I recommend consulting a physician or the school nurse for further advice. Hepatitis B vaccinations are generally thought to last 20 years or more, when delivered correctly.

Can the third hepatitis vaccination be given more than 8 months after the second one?

Yes, you can get the third hepatitis vaccine at any time. Normally it's given about 6 months later. If you're "late" getting that third, there's no harm. You do not have to restart the series, no matter how long it's been.

Does vaccination against hepatitis B provide immunity for life?

Injections given on day 0, one month, six months gives immunity for five years. The booster is to be taken every five years there after.

Why do you need both Hepatitis C vaccination and Hepatitis B vaccination?

Hepatitis C and B are very serious diseases and affect the liver with very serious consequences. The diseases can be fatal from simple dehydration from constant diarrhea and vomiting. Below I have included descriptions of how the diseases are spread and the necessity for getting the vaccination. They are chronic diseases and contagious. The doctors listed below wrote this:The hepatitis B virus is known as a blood-borne virus because it is transmitted from one person to another via blood.Semen and saliva, which contain small amounts of blood, also carry the virus.The virus can be transmitted whenever any of these bodily fluids come in contact with the broken skin or a mucous membrane (in the mouth, genital organs, or rectum) of an uninfected person.Less common causes of HCV transmission include the following: From mother to infant at the time of childbirthThrough sexual intercourse with an infected person: Having multiple sex partners is a risk factor.Needle sticks with HCV-contaminated blood: This is mostly seen in health care workers. The risk of developing HCV infection after a needle stick is about 5-10%.You cannot get hepatitis C by living with, being near, or touching someone with the disease. You can get the disease by sharing a razor, nail clippers, or other such items with an infected person.The source of transmission is unknown in about 10% of people with acute hepatitis C and in about 30% of people with chronic hepatitis C.Author: Sandeep Mukherjee, MD, MB, BCh, Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Is hepatitis curable or preventable?

Hepatitis refers to a condition in which the liver is inflamed, it can be causes by a number of different factors, including viruses. There are several hepatitis viruses, each one is distinct. Hepatitis A is vaccine preventable; it is a short-term (acute) infection and there is no cure. Hepatitis B is also vaccine preventable; it can be a short-term (acute) infection, but in cases where the immune system fails to fight off the initial infection it can become a long-term (chronic) infection. Chronic hepatitis B is not curable, but there are treatments available that can help manage viral progression and damage. Hepatitis C is NOT vaccine preventable; in some cases the immune system will fight off the initial infection, but most adults who are exposed to the hepatitis C virus will develop the chronic infection. While there is no vaccine for hepatitis C, there are medications that can get rid of the virus. Hepatitis D only occurs in combination with hepatitis B, therefore the vaccine for hepatitis B is also effective against hepatitis D.

What is a trade-off-?

A trade-off is when one thing is lost for a gain of another thing.

Can you give the vaccination to a dog that don't have symptoms but is around one that does?

yeah that is just fine but give the other one a vaccination too!

Why Get the Hepatitis B Vaccine?

To keep from getting hepatitis A - it is a liver disease from drinking contaminated water/ eating contaminated food. you should get this shot to decrease the risk of being contaminated (your food may become contaminated but it will prevent you from getting the disease

Is there a vaccine for all hepatitis?

There is currently no vaccine available against Hepatitis C. There is research going on to develop one but it will take years at least before one is developed.

How does hepatitis A affect your health?

Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. One virus that causes hepatitis is called the hepatitis A virus. hepatitis A virus is carried in the bloodstream to the liver. It can then affect your liver to cause hepatitis. For some people with hepatitis A Shows not symptoms. The Common symptoms of Hepatitis A include flu-like symptoms and yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes (jaundice) which then gradually clear without treatment.

How does hepatitis affect a person?

Hepatitis B Effects The Liver

One someone has hepatitis b the vaccine for them is of no use True or false?

One someone has hepatitis b the vaccine for them is of no use True or false?