

Is heterozygous a female

Updated: 12/2/2022
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Q: Is heterozygous a female
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Why can a female be a carrier of a sex linked genetic disorder?

When a female is heterozygous i.e. she possess one allele of disease , she is called carrier .

What cross could Morgan have performed to make the first white eyed female fruit?

A Heterozygous female with a white eyed male.

What cross could Morgan have performed to make the first white-eyed female fruit fly?

A Heterozygous female with a white eyed male.

Will a heterozygous female with hemophilia have blood that will clot normally?

Yes, because Hemophilia is recessive (if you have a normal allele, you won't have hemophilia, and heterozygous means that you have one normal and one abnormal allele).

What is the phenotype ratio of a cross between a heterozygous male and female?

The phenotypic ratio is a 3:1 ratio.

How do you spell heterozygous?

That is the correct spelling of "heterozygous" (having variant alleles).

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Plato users, Heterozygous (Rr), red.

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There only certain crosses that will produce heterozygous offspring. These are heterozygous vs heterozygous, homozygous vs homozygous and heterozygous vs homozygous.

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