

Are gametes heterozygous

Updated: 8/9/2023
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13y ago

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No, only diploid organisms can be heterozygous.

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Q: Are gametes heterozygous
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How many different gametes can heterozygous organism produce?

Literally millions of different gametes. That is why each individual is unique.

How to calculate gametes?

Example 1: There are 5 gene pairs, how many gametes can be formed if only 3 of them are heterozygous? There are two ways you can work out this problem, it depends on the genotype and phenotype. As you calculate the genotype you take 2 and raise it to the number of heterozygous gene pairs, which in our case is 3; so it would read, 2^3=8 different gametes. If we took the phenotype you would take the inverse of 2 and raise it to the number of heterozygous gene pairs which is 3; so it would read 1/2^3 which equals 1/8=0.125 different gametes dilse2 said .................................................... Number all probable gametes = 2n x m where n = number of heterozygous allele pairs m = number of homozygous allele pairs for your question n = 3 m = 2 Number all probable gametes = 23 x 2 = 16

When the two haploid gametes contain two different alleles of a given gene the resulting offspring is called?

A heterozygote. An organism with the same alleles at a locus is called a "homozygot".

How many different type of gametes would an AabbDdEeGg individual produce?

4 The reason why the answer is 4 is because 2 of the pairs are heterozygous. When calculating possible gametes you take the number of heterozygous pairs and multiply them by each other (or raise 2 to the power equal to the number of heterozygous pairs you have). Therefore, since there are 2 heterozygous pairs in this genotype you multiply 2x2 (or 2^2).

What would be a possible gamete produced by an individual who is heterozygous for 2 traits D and E?

The gametes could be: DE, De, dE, or de.

What crosses will only produce heterozygous offspring?

There only certain crosses that will produce heterozygous offspring. These are heterozygous vs heterozygous, homozygous vs homozygous and heterozygous vs homozygous.

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What happens to alleles when gametes form?

When gametes are formed through a process called reproduction, where a male's gamete combines with a female gametes' cell and produces a zygote; the alleles for that are varied in different fertilized zygotes. For example a zygote could have two different alleles from the gene from the male and the female; G and g, thus it would be heterozygous. However at the same time another zygote could have the gene of GG which would be homozygous and pure green.

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which of mikes traits are heterozygous? Gg or ee or CC or Ff

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What is it called When the two gametes that fuse to form a zygote contain different alleles of a given gen?

The zygote is heterozygous for that gene. Which ever one of the genes of the parents is dominant, then the zygote has that gene, but also carries the recessive trait from the other parent.