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Q: Is homosexuals in developing countries have the highest rates of infection and mortality rate with AIDS?
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A goal of people in developing countries is?

The goal of people in developing countries is to become an emerging economy by achieving standard health care and reducing mortality rate.

Which roundworm infection has a significant mortality rate?

Ascariasis is the only roundworm infection with a significant mortality rate.

What do you notice about the population growth rate of the developing countries?

The population growth rate of developing countries tends to be higher than that of developed countries. Factors such as high fertility rates, improved healthcare leading to lower mortality rates, and limited access to family planning services contribute to this faster growth in developing nations. This can put pressure on resources and infrastructure in these countries.

What are the causes of maternal morbidity and mortality?

Obstructive fistula is prevalent in developing countries and accounts for 8 percent of maternal morbidity. Infections especially malaria is the leading cause of maternal morbidity in tropical countries. Other causes of maternal mortality and morbidity are high blood pressure and hemorrhage.

What are the problems when comparing living standards in developing countries and living standards in developed countries?

Developed Countries- have a high per capita income, a lot a money and wealth, varied economy, high GDP, low infant mortality ratesLess Developed Countries/Developing Countries-have a poor government, low GDP, limited government, low levels of education, high infant mortality rates, very little money

Developing countries account for how much of the world population increase today?

Developing countries account for the majority of the world population increase today. This is due to factors such as higher birth rates, improved healthcare leading to lower mortality rates, and advancements in technology and infrastructure.

Three different causes of population boom in developing countries?

1) - technological revolutions ( agriculture, industrial, and scientific/ modern advances ) - infant mortality rate declined

What is a valid generalization in developing nations?

Decreasing the infant mortality rate will limit population growth in developing nations

What is the World Health Organization's goal for childhood measles?

Child mortality due to measles is considered largely preventable, and making the MMR vaccine widely available in developing countries is part of WHO's strategy to reduce child mortality by two-thirds by the year 2015.

How long does a child live for in Bangladesh?

Under five mortality rate is currently 46 per 1000 children, so it's fairly decent compared to other developing countries.

What has the author David L Pelletier written?

David L. Pelletier has written: 'Intervention planning in response to disasters' -- subject(s): Cassava, Disaster relief, Diseases and pests, Mealybugs 'Relationships between child anthropometry and mortality in developing countries' -- subject(s): Anthropometry, Children, Mortality

What is the lowest infant mortality rate in Africa?

All most all developing countries have malnutrition and under nutrition of mother and child. Due to poor hygiene they suffer repeated attacks of diarrhea, pneumonia and measles and other infectious diseases. So they have high infant mortality rate.