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Nausea is common with a lot of women on Birth Control. As for hot flashes that's not normal something you should probably get checked out by your doctor.

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Q: Is hot flashes and nausea normal on birth control pills?
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You missed a birth control pill last week and had to take 2 at one time you have had nausea since Is this normal?

i have experienced nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, breast tenderness and migraines when i double up on the pill.

Can stopping the birth control pill cause hot flashes?

The birth control pill can help with hot flashes in women who are still having periods. For women in menopause, the birth control pill is usually not sufficient to control hot flashes. Other non-hormonal treatments are also available. Talk with your health care provider about options.

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Why do you feel nauseous sometimes and you have the essure birth control?

Essure will not cause nausea. See your primary care provider to discuss your ongoing nausea.

Does taking anti nausea medicine work if your birth control makes you sick?

Anti nausea medicine can be helpful for nausea from birth control. This side effect gets better with time. But if it's so severe that you need medication, please call your health care provider about a possible change of pills.

How do you control birth control Nausea?

try taking your birth control with a small snack. if that doesn't work then talk to your doctor and see if you can try another pill that wont make you sick.

What are the effects of overdosing on birth control pills?

An overdose of birth control pills could cause nausea and breast tenderness. It will not kill you, cause an abortion, or make you infertile.

Does tramadol affect the birth control pill?

There are no known drug interactions between tramadol and the birth control pill, but if the Tramadol causes nausea take it with food and don't take the birth control pill while feeling nauseated.

What if you took four birth control pills at one time?

That's a normal thing to do if you're using the birth control pill for emergency contraception. (Only certain birth control pills can be used in this way, and the doses differ depending on the pill.) If you're just trying to make up for missed pills, taking four at a time has no benefit, and is likely to cause nausea and vomiting.

Is it normal to get your period twice a month when you first start taking birth control?

Yes birth control changes your cycle causing your body to have to adjust to the birth control after a few weeks it should become a normal schedule.

What happens if you take your birth control pill on an empty stomach?

The effectiveness is the same whether you take the birth control pill with food or on any empty stomach, but some women have nausea if they don't take the birth control pill with food.

Is it normal to feel sick after you take your birth control pill?

It is not normal to feel sick after taking birth control pills. If you feel that the pills are making you sick, you should contact your doctor and have them changed.Taking birth control pills should not make you feel sick. That is not normal.