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The human skin cell has a nucleus, therefore the human skin cell would be eukaryotic.

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Human are eukariyotic organisms. Every cell is eukariyotic.

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Q: Is human skin cell prokaryotic or eukaryotic?
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Is a human a prokaryotic or eukaryote?

The human skin cell has a nucleus, therefore the human skin cell would be eukaryotic.

Are onion cells are prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

Onions are in plant kingdom. They have eukaryotic cells.

Are human skin cells eukaryotic or prokaryotic?

Actually they are both. Mostly eukaryotic. The stratum lucidum is a layer of the epidermis that is found in areas that have thick skin such as the hands and feet. These cells do not have any organelles so can be considered prokaryotic. This is the only layer of skin that is like this.

What are examples of prokayotic and eukaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic- bacteriaEukaryotic- protist, amoeba, etc.An example of a prokaryote would be bacteria or any single cellular organism and an example of a eukaryote would be any multicellular organism.

Are prokaryotic cell carried by human beings?

Sure. In all the microorganisms that coat our skin, reside in our breathing passages and our guts. We probably have more prokaryotic DNA on and in us than our own DNA load, which is eukaryote.

Two different specialized Cell types?

There are two hundred and twenty 'different specialized Cell types'. So pick two - muscle and nerve tissues; bone and vascular [blood circulating] tissues; skin (integument) and stomach / intestine; etcetera.

How many chromosomes are in a human skin cell?

there are 46 chromosomes in a human skin cell.

What are examples of eukaryote are?

Animalia ( Animal cell), Plantae (Plant cell), Fungi.

Are skin cells eukaryotic?

Yes , skin cells are eukaryotic .

What is difference between human skin cell and human egg cell?

the egg cell is spunk

What part of an animal cell is similar to human skin?

The part of an animal cell that is similar to human skin would be the animal skin cells. The animal and human skin cells contain the same organelles.

Each human skin cell has how many chromosomes?

23 human skin cells