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Q: Is human trafficking associated with any other crimes?
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What are the Types of Crime in India?

India has issues with crime just like any other country. Some of the types of crimes include drug trafficking, rape, domestic violence, arms trafficking, cyber crimes, corruption and police misconduct, petty crimes, robbery, poaching, and human trafficking.

What is human traficking?

Human trafficking is the selling of other humans for labor and various other things.

What kind of job prevents human trafficking?

There is no single job to prevent human trafficking. Police and other services need to work together in order to prevent it. Wikipedia has a good article in human trafficking wich I posted it in the related links box below.

What does it mean when someone is under suspicion for trafficking?

Trafficking is the selling of illegal good and/or services. One example is arms trafficking, which is the smuggling of contraband weapons or ammunition. Other example include human and drug trafficking.

What are some crimes that begin with the letter W?

Federal crimes? Wiretapping, War Crimes, Water pollution, Weapons violations (trafficking, possession, manufacturing, sale, use, transportation, etc), "white-collar" crimes, wearing armed forces uniform or other US insignia without authority, war-time sabotage...

Does Saudi Arabia still behead people?

Yes. The crimes are murder, rape, drug trafficking, sodomy, armed robbery, apostasy, sorcery and certain other offences.

How does human trafficking affect the victims?

It is affecting our economy in numerous ways. The main reason is because money is being spent over seas, and used in other countries for drug trade and to buy other people and involve them in trafficking.

What is being done to stop human trafficking?

As of right now there's not a whole lot of action in that area. No legitimate laws exist about human trafficking, and other countries refuse to stop their human trafficking. Many countries turn a blind eye on traffickers so that they can keep their financial agreements with other countries. There are some organizations being formed to help, but at this point they can't do much because traffick victims are too afraid to testify. Here's a great website I found about trafficking...

Can you get bail on human trafficking charges?

It very much relies on the case. Sometimes, bail can be set at $1 million. Other times, no bail at all.

What happens if you swapped your baby for ipod?

Chances are you would be charged with abandonment, child endangerment, human trafficking, and a host of other criminal counts that would potentially put you in prison for life.

Can you get arrested for recanting a story?

It is possible, particularly if it was told under oath. The charges can be perjury, interfering with an investigation and other crimes associated with covering up someone's guilt.

Which situation was a direct result of the Holocaust and other atrocities committed by the Nazis during World War 2?

The Frankfurt war crimes trials, the UN charter on human rights.