

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking involves the abduction of a person to be sold like merchandise on the black market. They almost always purchased for the purpose of sexual exploitation, but some are used for physical labor. About half of those that are abducted for human trafficking are under the age of 18.

184 Questions

Why did the US slave States illegally import slaves after 1808?

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Asked by Wiki User

The South illegally imported slaves from Africa after 1808 because the South did not care what the government said they could or could not do. This was because the idea of scession was forming on the basis that the government was abusing their power as states to determine whether or not they could own slaves. They figured that if they were going to break away from the United States that there would be no reason to obey them.

What are the problems of drug trafficking?

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Asked by Wiki User

Drug smuggling is a very common and lucrative practice. However, it is illegal and very dangerous. Many individuals who transfer drugs have a good chance of ingesting too much and getting very sick.

How long has human trafficking been going on?

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Asked by Wiki User

Since man has walked the earth.

Is DOD policy to oppose prostitution forced labor and any related activities that may contribute to the phenomenon of Trafficking in Persons?

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Asked by Wiki User

Deter activities by DoD personnel and contractors that facilitate or support TIP.

Oppose prostitution and forced labor or related activities that contribute to TIP.

Maintain a zero tolerance policy.

What is human trafficking about?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, I don't quite understand the question. The definition of Human Traffiking is something along the lines of "the illegal transportatation of human cargo from one country to another." The idea behind it is people who could not normally enter a country get in (theoretically), and those who traffic them get paid large amounts of money. ooohhhh : O

Trafficking in persons consists of which of the following Select all that apply.?

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The President's 2012 Executive Order 13627 on trafficking in persons strengthened the government's zero tolerance policy by addressing which type of group

Who is affected in child trafficking?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes. children in poorer countries are generally sold to prostitutes for as much or as little as a dollar. children (who have no choice in the matter) are trafficked the most.

Trafficking in persons consists of which of the following?

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Asked by Wiki User

Trafficking people exploits them for:

  • Their fares, then they are abandoned or killed
  • Sexual slavery
  • Organ donation
  • Slave labour
  • Slave domestic service
  • Involuntary military service.
  • Adoptable babies

How did human trafficking begin?

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Asked by Wiki User

Child trafficking dates back at least as far as the 17th century. While once considered a primitive trade, child trafficking received a boon in the 1990â??s when western markets opened, making it extremely profitable. As a result, organized crime, sensing a huge windfall of cash, got into the child trafficking business.

What parts of the world have a high rate for human trafficking?

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Asked by Wiki User

I think Albania. At least that is that I can remember from the awesome movie Taken.

Is human trafficking the same thing as slavery?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, in some regards.

Yet some consideration has to be given to the act of slavery itself. At no point have we ever defined slavery as being associated with sexual exploitation, but saying that is this due to one's perception ? Or the world's (global) perception as a whole based on transatlantic slavery prior to the Civil War.

I said yes - because both include the infringement of ones human rights, and being forced to carry out various tasks such as manual labour, or sexual exploitation.

Which of the following items most likely indicates a trafficking in persons situation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Which of the following most likely indicates a labor trafficking situation
Employees are required to work and live in the same location

What is illegal trafficking?

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Human trafficking is the crime of forcing a person to move to a different country and become a slave and or prostitute.

How much money does the human trafficking make?

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It is impossible to say, they obviously do not publish their accounts. It is estimated that several millions, probably billions, are made annually in human trafficking.

Who are the leaders of human trafficking?

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Asked by Daddys59gurl

Coyotes. There are many leaders and they are not considered a faction. They are rather a network of individual *leaders*. There is no specific *CEO*.

Is human trafficking a human right issue?

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Asked by Wiki User

Article 5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 4. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

Article 13.(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

and many more....

Why is human trafficking important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because it is against the laws of most (all?) civilized nations, not to mention morally reprehensible . . unless you have no morals.

What does trafficking in persons generate worldwide each year?

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Asked by Wiki User

More than should have.

Sadly the answer is unknowable. The number of victims of human trafficking each year varies depending on what definition you use--the most conservative numbers say 800,000 people a year are trafficked across international borders. Other numbers put the number of slaves worldwide at 27 million, and others see that as the tip of the iceberg.

Regardless of the number, slaves are inherently disposable--more so today, and cheaper, than they were during the American Civil War. To make matters worse, there isn't a survey whereby people are asked "Hi, do you have any slaves? If so, how many did you kill this year?"

While some of the criminals are so brazen that they would probably answer, realistically it's almost impossible to get good numbers.

What measures are being taken to stop human trafficking?

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Asked by Wiki User

The trafficking of people for economic gain has increased three-fold in the last five years. Key start points cover most of Asia and the Sub Continent, Central America, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Venezuela, and parts of Oceania.

In Eastern Europe the trafficking of people, especially children, has reached critical levels with key start points including, the Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, Croatia, and Slovenia.

Trafficking purposes include slavery, indentured labour, adult and child sexual exploitation, (both male and female), and an emerging industry in the harvesting and sale of human organs.