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Q: Is industrial society the first type of society to generate a material surplus?
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The first type of society to generate a material surplus is?


What happens as societies generate a greater material surplus?

develop a ruling elite

What does a society need to do before it develop?

an agricultural surplus

The neolithic revolution changed society by providing surplus to what?

The Neolithic Revolution provided a surplus of food by transitioning from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture. This surplus allowed for the development of permanent settlements, division of labor, trade, and the growth of complex societies.

What helped the growth of England economy before the Industrial Revolution?

Trade of surplus farm produce

What helped the growth of England's economy before the industrial revolution?

Trade of surplus farm produce

Describe some features of a pre industrial society?

Features Include, less high powered machinery, limited production, less variation of social classes. These societies lived by farming and alothough these were the first societies able to support cities, they usually require about 95% of the population be engaged in agriculture. The basis for this complexity was surplus food production which allowed for specialization and urbanization. Differs greatly from a Industrial Society.

How did the political stability lead to the Industrial Revolution?

The national surplus of money that the government had made it easier to invent.

How can an illegal immigrant generate a surplus to medicare Is that a joke?

How can an illegal immigrant generate a surplus to Medicare if he/she does not contribute to that program. As far as we know only legal immigrants with work permits , permanent residents or citizens pay their taxes that are withhold from their paychecks or at the time they fill their IRS Forms for the Fiscal Year. IOs that something new?

What was he positive impact the Industrial Revolution had on employment?

the industrial revolution provided a surplus of jobs for immigrants entering the country, along with later on in the north, jobs for African American slaves who escaped.

What was the effect of having surplus on society?

you could have a bigger family and be able to settle in one place

What is the difference between subsistance production and surplus production?

the main difference between surplus and subsistance production are:-subsistance production you only produce or generate enough goods or services for your coutry an with surplusproduction you have sufficient amount of goods for your country an for trading