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it has both, it depends in the mindset of the user

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4d ago

The internet has advantages like access to information, communication, and convenience. However, it also has downsides like cyberbullying, misinformation, and threats to privacy. It is about how individuals use the internet that determines whether it is more harmful or beneficial.

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Q: Is internet harm than good
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What is harm principle?

The harm principle, proposed by philosopher John Stuart Mill, states that the only justified reason for restricting an individual's freedom is to prevent harm to others. It argues that individuals should be free to make their own choices as long as those choices do not harm others.

Why Political machines did more harm than good?

Political machines often promoted corruption, nepotism, and favoritism, leading to a lack of transparency and accountability in government. They also stifled democratic processes by manipulating elections through tactics like voter fraud and coercion. Additionally, political machines tended to prioritize the interests of party bosses and insiders over the needs of the general public.

What is the difference between hazards and threats?

Hazards are potential sources of harm or danger, such as natural disasters or chemical spills, while threats are deliberate or intentional actions that could cause harm, like cyber attacks or terrorism. Hazards are typically more passive and occur due to natural or environmental factors, whereas threats involve human intent to cause harm.

Does the internet promote a global culture.?

Yes, the internet promotes a global culture by facilitating the exchange of ideas, languages, and cultural practices across borders. It allows people from different parts of the world to connect and share experiences, leading to the blending of various cultural influences.

What is a good topic for a persuasive speech?

A good topic for a persuasive speech could be the importance of recycling to protect the environment, the benefits of volunteering in the community, or the need for stricter laws to combat climate change.

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What is Internet and how Internet affect your environment?

if people use internet for good purpose it causes no harm as people begin using internet for malpractices it becomes a bane! internet is basically a network connection various countries through web