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I'm definitely not an expert but I'd say this is an excellent sign that your body ovulated and you're having a normal period. Perhaps it's not as heavy as your usual period because there was less lining this month following the m/c?

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Q: Is it a bad sign to have a redish brownish discharge a month after you miscarry?
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What causes you to have a brownish discharge for a full month is it a miscarriage?

If you bleed "down there" for a full month you should probably see you OB/GYN.

Brownish discharge ten days after menstrual cycle is it normal?

if u get it every month maybe its ovulation spotting

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17 days late for this month's period, light burning and pressure in the lower abdomin, with stickey brownish vaginal discharge. plese help!

Suffered from a miscarriage last month now got period pain and brownish discharge what does this mean?

Hi there, I am wondering what the outcome of your situation was, I am having the same thing.

You had a miscarriage on 17th nov 2006 you had period the month after Ever since you haven't had your periods This month you are having a brownish discharge for approximately a week now what is wrong?

Is there a chance you are pregnant again? Also, some womens cycle takes a while to get back to normal after a miscarriage.

When is the latest you can miscarry?

The latest you can miscarry without it causing harm to you or being unnormal is 3-4 month's if it any later it might be a risk to you and you might have to get a d and c i hope this helps you ladies out.

If you are pregnant after one month of trying are you more likely to miscarry?

No not at all. You were lucky being able to get pregnant that quick.

Why would your period be late and your discharge be jelly-like?

From my experience when I was late with period and white or clear discharged I was pregnant all three times . the period never came .But it could also just mean you are late or not going to have a period this month it is normal to skip a month. Go see your GYN doctor..Good-luck *Another answer* If the discharge is brownish,it could wither be your period or pregnancy,so I would go and see a doctor to confirm what the problem is

Vaginal discharge that I'd watery white with no itching or odor for a month?

If there is vaginal discharge that is watery white, but there is no itching or odor for a month, this is a completely natural bodily function.

You are one month late for your period and you are currently experiencing moderate brownish spotting What does this mean?

you might be pregnant

My period usually last about a week every month with a normal flow but last month it lasted for about four days and was a dark brownish color is that normal?

NO. That is unusual.

Do you have a mucas like discharge when pregnant?

in the last month or so you'll have more discharge like mucus. you can earlier on though.