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It is generally a good thing, as praying mantises eat other insects that are considered pests.

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Q: Is it a good or bad sign is a praying mantis is sitting on your porch?
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Related questions

What elements does a praying mantis have?

The Praying Mantis dosen't really own an "Element", for all we know it could bring good and/or bad luck.

What type of praying mantis is a yellow one?

play good

What do praying mantis' eat?

A Praying Mantis eats a variety of food including fruits, vegetables, and various types of leaves. ^ you, good sir, are a moron. They are carnivorous bugs that feed upon other insects, and the occasional mammal or bird if they get big enough.

What insect is good at camouflaging itself?

I would a guess a praying mantis is a good camoflage artist.

Are praying mantis harmful to plants?

No. They eat all the bad bugs that eat all your good plants

Could a praying mantis be kept as pet?

praying mantis makes good pets. make sure you feed them good are they might try to run away.

What are praying mantises enemies?

their predators are birds, lizards, bats, snakes and turtles

Is there any symbolism or meaning behind seeing a praying mantis twice in a week?

In Asia, the mantis is considered lucky and a good omen, and was studied by Shaolin monks, who developed a fighting style based upon its movements.

Does a praying mantis eat bees?

You probably won't believe this but here we go! Eailer today I found a mantis walking across my drive way. I picked him/her ( don't know the sex type) and brought it inside to show to friends. My buddy looked around to give the creature a meal. Instead he comes back with honey from the cabinet. Put a drop of honey on a joker from the deck of cards and the mantis started eatting it! Don't know if its good or bad for them.

What praying mantis?

A typical praying mantis usually spends its time camouflaged and waiting for insect prey to pass by. Other than that, they mate, drink water droplets, and lay egg-sacks that contain anywhere from 50-200 baby praying mantises. They do not harm humans.

Is a praying mantis a predator?

Birds, snakes, whatever justsohappens to stumble upon it with an empty stomach that the mantis itself doesn't eat... I guess.Birds, lizards and spiders, if it gets caught in a web. A big mantis will eat small lizards and birds, but a small mantis will be eaten by larger birds and lizards.

How do you catch a praying mantis?

You must move very slowly towards the praying mantis you are planning on catching, the safest way of catching one is to get a glass or plastic jar and a lid in your pocket, now come toward it very slowly and then quickly cover it with the jar and put on the lid. Remember to punch air holes into the lid and voila you have your praying mantis. But a glass or plastic jars do not make good homes for your new found praying mantis, buy a aquarium and put in grass and dirt and make it look like outside. Now carefully put your new pet inside.