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It sounds as though you may be having a miscarrieage unfortunately. You should see your doctor.

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Q: Is it a miscarriage if you have sharp pains and pass tissue but don't bleed until a week later?
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Had a miscarriage and the symptoms went away but weeks later im having bad abdominal pains with no bleeding and im NOT pregnant?

You could have had an incomplete miscarriage or have an infection. Contact your Dr immediately.

How soon will you feel sharp pains if you're pregnant?

No, any cramps or bleeding while pregnant is abnormal and usually the sign of a miscarriage. If this occurs during a pregnancy go to the hospital straight away.

You had a miscarriage but they still have not did an D and C yet and you have being having bad pains?

I don't know when this happened but always when in pain like this and the miscarriage is over go see your doctor.

Did you have a miscarriage if you had severe pains for several hours and when you went to the bathroom a big clot came out and then the pain stopped?

It is quite possible you had a miscarriage. Did you know you were pregnant? Have you had an ultrasound scan before or since?

Is passing tissue normal in early pregnancy?

I was 6 weeks pregnant went i started to pass little bits of tissue on the monday, i was sent to the EPAU and scanned, its showed a heart beat, however the bleeding did not stop and i went back on the thurday after more pain and more clots and there was no heart beat. i fully miscarried later that day. If you are in any doubt, please see your doctor or get referred to your local hospital or clinic. sitting and worrying does you nor your baby any good. I hope you were luckier than me. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

5 months pregnant you are have Sharp pains but you are not bleeding are you having a miscarriage?

Only your doctor can answer that question.You should call your provider immediately.

Can high fever cause a miscarriage?

Through my experience, I had abdominal pains underneath my belly and had a fever the next day. After that I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks. I really don't know what caused it, but the fever was a symptom of a miscarriage for me. It may be different for you though. Best of luck to you on your pregnancy and hope everything will be alright for you.

What will you see when you get a period?

You can start having pains, which could indicate but not all the time. But the main indication is where you bleed obviously.

Can you have a miscarriage if you have pains in your stomach in your first month of pregnancy?

Pain that is heavy cramping and accompanied by bloody discharge or bleeding like having a period could indicate a miscarriage. It is difficult to tell that early in a pregnancy unless you have a doctor's exam.

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It makes your brain bleed and it makes everything feel like a dream and causes chest pains and back pains. whatever you do NOT smoke it!!!! take it from someone that knows

What injuries do people get from car accidents?

Soft-tissue injuries are the most common, such as neck and back pains.

Is it normal to not only bleed a few days after sex but to have such sharp pains that I can't even sleep?

Go and see your GP today.