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it depends on what you mean by sexual having a purity ring means your not going to have sex until marriage and if you do that with your purity ring on then yes it is a sin especially if you see your ring and it reminds you not to have sex and you do it any way but if you really regret and and repent and never do it again till marriage its fine because God says hell always forgive you. but kissing and stuff isn't bad.

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Q: Is it a sin to do anything sexual with a purity ring on?
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Does a purity ring have to be a certain type of ring?

a purity ring is kind of like a ring that promises that you will be good and not sin, or do anything like sex or something until your married. so its a ring that shows that you are kind of like "pure" and don't sin or do anything that's not meant to be done before marriage.

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