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If it's mental abuse then this is called, "Head games" and that is what you are playing with him. There are many people that can't seem to express themselves well and there are reasons that you may never know. Most of these types of people never go for help so it just continues. It's tough living with someone who gives you the silent treatment or when they do speak they have nothing nice to say to you. If he just argues then he's frustrated and can't express himself, but abuse is when he could call you "ugly, fat, useless, stupid, etc." That's abuse! If he is physically abusive then it's time for you to leave. These people never get help and the physical abuse just becomes worse. If it's just mental abuse then there isn't a chance in hell that he will sit down with you and discuss this, so you are going to have to make some tough decisions. No one should have to live in this misery, so if you've had enough then I would move out! First see a lawyer and just don't leave or this could be classified legally as "desertion" and you could lose the house, any properties or monies and even the children. I wish you good luck Marcy I'm dating my boyfriend of almost two years. I feel that he's abusive.. and when he yells at me, I automatically go silent. Eventually if you give the silent treatment enough, it's natural to you and you can't help it. This makes the abuser madder than he already is. I don't consider it abuse though. Any time I speak it's like a maze with no ends. I never say anything that he considers "helping", so I stay silent. I would think it best to try to talk to your abuser to avoid him/her getting worse, and you forgetting how to speak for yourself.. but I really don't see it as abuse because they abuse you first! I really do recommend trying to talk it out though.. The more you do it, the better you will become at speaking for yourself, the better you will learn to become dependant rather than to submis yourself to the abuser.

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Q: Is it abuse when you try the 'silent treatment' on your abuser in order to avoid abuse?
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