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yes it is and if you add a little sugar you would probably not know the difference

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Q: Is it acceptable to use bittersweet chocolate in place of semi-sweet in a ganache?
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What is chocolate ganache filling?

This is a rich, dark chocolate topping that is very versatile. You can whip it to use as icing or pour it over your cake or pastry. It is made with bittersweet chocolate, heavy cream and dark rum.

What is white chocolate ganache?

Ganache is chocolate and cream. White chocolate ganache will be made by melting white chocolate and then adding cream. This is likely to be a lot sweeter than average ganache (dark chocolate) as white chocolate is sweeter in general and contains less cocoa solids.

Can you use semisweet chocolate squares in a recipe that calls for bittersweet chocolate?

If you do some simple searches on Google you will find that the terms bittersweet and semi-sweet are used almost interchangeably in several recipes calling for chocolate. If you want the technical answer as to the differences between the two, bittersweet typically contains less sugar than its counterpart. In the end, however, the choice all comes down to personal preference in most baking recipes. Many chefs within the industry as well as your homegrown baker-cook fashion recipes depending on their own personal preference in properties of chocolate. The only real time this becomes a factor is in recipes where fat or sugar content affects the overall outcome of the recipe I.E. fudge, chocolate sauces or ganache, ice cream, etc... Also, take into account the intended form and shape of the chocolate. In a recipe where semisweet chocolate is called for, typically the intended form to be used is chips as opposed to squares. If all you have is squares though, a quick stint in the freezer and a wallop from a meat tenderizer or food processor will produce a similar outcome in the finished recipe.

Can You Use Ganache on a Cheesecake?

Sure. If you use a chocolate ganache, I recommend serving it with fresh raspberries.

Confection of chocolate and ganache dusted with cocoa powder?


What is a ganache?

It is a cream chocolate sauce used for decorating cakes.

What are the food ingredients of ganache?

Whipping Cream And Melted Chocolate

Which kinds of chocolate cakes are best?

Chocolate cakes have been one of the oldest and most beloved cakes of all time. They never fail to lure you from their irresistible aroma. At Fusion Bakery, a decadent chocolate cake is easily a crowd pleaser and the perfect treat for any kind of celebration. There are many types of chocolate cakes like: Chocolate Ganache, White Chocolate Ganache, Dark Chocolate Ganache, Nutella Filling, Chocolate Butter Cream and many more!

i need the best gourmet dessert recipe?

A wonderful gourmet dessert recipe would be the Chocolate Ganache cake recipe. The 2 basic ingredients in Chocolate Ganache are semi-sweet chocolate and heavy whipping cream. Bring cream to boil then pour over chocolate chunks and let stand. Cover to soften the chocolate then stir. The Ganache can be used to cover cakes or other desserts or made into truffles.

Despite being named for a fungus what treat is actually chocolate often made from a filling called ganache?


What are food ingredients of ganache?

Heavy whipping cream and chocolate chips. You can add liquor or vanilla for added flavor.

How do you make ganache?

What you need:2 cups semisweet chocolate chips2 cups heavy cream1-2 tsp vanilla or liquor (optional)large bowlsaucepanwhiskPlace chocolate chips in a large bowl. In saucepan heat cream to a simmer, and pour over the chips. Let stand for a minute or two then stir with a whisk until smooth. If desired you can add vanilla or liquor to add more flavor once all the chocolate is melted. Let cool. This can be used to ice a cake or chilled for a truffle filling.