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Yes you can eat. The one won't affect the other.

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Q: Is it all right to eat if you have a ruptured ovarian cyst?
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Can ovarian cysts cause baldness?

it will be the sam casu of baldness teh cas of ovarian cyst but it is not confirmed. ovarian cyst is a normatl cyst for women and all of them will have usualy and it will disapir withen the manistration period

Can an ovary rupture?

A ruptured ovarian cyst can cause fever, fainting or dizziness, rapid breathing as well as a severe or sharp pain in ones pelvis. These symptoms, left untreated can be bad so it is important to see a doctor if one is experiencing these.

Can a ovarian cyst result in death?

No it cannot. But you should notify your doctor so they can monitor growth of the cyst. New answer: Yes, actually it can, but not unless there are complications. A ruptured ovarian cyst can have potentially life-threatening complications, such as hemorrhage and infection. You need to see a doctor so that he or she can keep an eye on the cyst to see if it shrinks. I know this because I currently have one that is 3.2 cm wide. Most ovarian cysts disappear all on their own and even if they don't, the cysts are usually not cancerous or dangerous.

Can hysterectomy cause dermoid cyst on ovary?

Well it depends on the cyst and where and how attached it is i think, I had an ovarian cyst the size of two grapefruits on my right fallopian tube/ovary, and when i had to get emergency surgery to get it removed they said they may have to just remove my right tube and ovary but i would've still been able to have had children, luckily i still have all my parts haha but i hope this relieves some anxiety for you!!

Can you have all the signs of pregnancy and not be?

Yeah. I thought I was but it turned out to be an ovarian cyst. You can also be pre-menopausal and have many of the symptoms of pregnancy.

What size of an ovarian cyst is dangerous at age of 40?

Any Cyst should be evaluated by your Ob/Gyn and maybe even have the result reviewed by an oncologist. Not all cysts are harmful, but all should be cautiously, reviewed.

Can a uncircumcised penis cause an ovarian cyst I developed a hemorratic cyst that grew quite rapidly within 3 weeks had to be removed. The start of the pain from this cyst began during intercourse?

No. Your partner had nothing to do with the growth of the cyst. Furthermore, whether or not your parter was circumcised would certainly have nothing at all to do with the development of the cyst.

Where can I find more information on ovarian cyst pain?

You can find IPN lessons all over the internet, but a good place to start is because of its simplicity and ease of usage. You can find them for free too!

Can a cyst cause pelvic pain?

they can cause pain wherever they are.A cyst causing pain all depends on what type of cyst it is. Ovarian cysts (depending on size) can be extremely painfull or they couldn't be felt at all.More detail:Yes, cysts can cause excruciating pain. These cysts are usually ovarian cysts, and can grow quite large. They often rupture, or burst, on their own, after which the pain subsides. But they are likely to recur. You need to see your ob/gyn for proper diagnosis and treatment, especially if you don't know for sure it's a cyst.

What is the treatment of ovarian cyst?

It's very complicated to answer "how do you treat an ovarian cyst?" Depending on the type of cyst, various treatments are suggested -- everything from "wait and see" to oral contraceptives to herbal remedies to surgery. In order to address what works and doesn't work (and to collect both anecdotal and empirical evidence), I'm trying to get a support group going online. I don't know if there's already one out there. But, if you'd like to join, I think we can really help each other out. This group is mainly for women who have functional ovarian cysts (meaning follicular cysts or corpus luteum cysts) and especially women who have them chronically. Anyone with nonfunctional cysts or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is welcome to join. Who knows? You may find some goodies there, too.

I did some heavy lifting felt a tear have been in agony for 24 hrs and I now have dark purple bruises above my left ovary and in my pubic line What happens when ovarian cysts rupture?

It's probably not an ovarian cyst. If you were doing HEAVY lifting prior to the injury/pain, it is more likely a Hernia. Talk to your doctor, they fix hernias all the time.

Can Ovarian cancer cause right lower back and sciatic pain?

Sciatica and lower back pain are one of the most common symptoms of ovarian cancer. This is a symptom that is often overlooked by many women.