

Is it all right to use a ferret cage for a rat?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Only if the rat is smaller than the ferret or close to the same size.

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Q: Is it all right to use a ferret cage for a rat?
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What animal can go through a maze faster rat or ferret?

A ferret can go through a maze faster than a rat. Though the ferret would eat the rat first

Is a rat a feline?

No, a ferret is not a rodent or a rat, or even related to one. Ferrets are mustelids, like weasels, badgers, martens, ermines, minks and a lot more animals. Ferrets are used to hunt rabbits, and pet ferrets are fed meat or meat-based kibble, like cats; if you gave them food for rodents, they would soon die! It's a common mistake to think a ferret is a rodent like rats, mice or rabbits because of their size, but think of what their teeth look like: rodents have the characteristic big two front teeth that they use for eating plants, ferrets have sharp pointy teeth like a cat or a dog would have, because they are carnivores like them, and eat meat. Not only ferret-teeth look like that of a real carnivore, so does ferret-poo! Where a rodent like a rat would make those nice round or pill-shaped droppings, ferret poo is long and softer, and looks a bit like that of a cat, only smaller and turned. More proof they are not rats or rat-like! The best way to be sure of all these nice ferret facts is by taking a close look at a ferret. While at first sight they look rat-like because of their pointy heads and slender body, when you watch them for a while, or get to play with them, you will soon see that they smell, feel, act and think nothing like a rat!

If you put two girl hamsters with one girl rat in the same cage will they be all right or will they fight?

Not a good idea. It's best to put the rat in a separate cage. Rats and hamsters fight like you would never believe, trust me.....

Where can you buy a rat cage in the western cape?

Just use a large bird cage, or a rabbit cage. My rat has a rabbit cage, and she's as happy as can be. My old rat had a bird cage, and he was perfectly fine.

Do you have to buy a plane ticket for a rat?

Not at all! You can put your cute little rat in a cage and then it'll sit in the cage under your seat. This goes for all small animals. Great question though!

Would rat wire be okay in a homemade ferret cage?

sure its your choice but i think no wire is good. they could get their head stuck in it and get choked or a pointy piece sticking out could hurt them.

Which rat is the nicest rat?

No rat is really "the nicest". it all depends on how much you play with them and toys in their cage. If you are looking to buy one, my personnal favorite is the fancy rat.

Does ferret feces keep rats away?

I have read that is does and also have read that is doesn't. I haven't had the opportunity to prove either one.

How do you teach a rat not to poo outside of the cage?

keep him/her in the cage at all times or lol this is funny put a litter box in there

Can a full grown rat fit into a hamster cage?

No. Hamster rat cage don't have enough space to pet rats. You can use Midwest Critter Nation rat cage. It has plenty of space to play and move around. You can check the reviews here- bestratpoisons. com/rat-cage-for-2-rats

What is better to keep a pet rat in an aquarium or cage?

A cage.

Can a dwarf rat go into the same cage as a normal rat?
