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Q: Is it allowed to put a brackets in denture teeth?
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Why didn't the doctor put brackets on all my teeth?

Maybe you did not need braces on all your teeth.

How do you put the word denture in a sentence?

The dentist told him a partial denture would fix the problem, so three perfectly good teeth made way for four.

How long after a tooth getting pulled do you have to wait before the implant is put in?

Most often, you don't have to wait at all. You can usually have what is known as an "immediate denture". First, impressions are taken of your mouth as it exists today. From those impressions, the denture is fabricated in a dental lab. When the denture is ready, the remaining teeth are removed and the denture is inserted. You never have to go without teeth. Because this new immediate denture is made by 'predicting' what the arch will be like when the teeth are removed, sometimes several adjustments will need to be made after the denture is seated. This can take several visits to the dentist, but it is all part of the service.

What do they do when you get braces?

1) they dry your mouth out so you won't drool! 2) they put this gross green stuff on your teeth, then they suck it off with a pipe thing 3) they put thing gross sticky stuff on your teeth 4) they put the brackets on 5) they put a wire through the brackets 6) they attach the wire to the brackets with a tiny rubber band 7) you go home feeling like your teeth are being pulled out

Do doctors put brackets on all your teeth at once?

Actualy you dont oh well i dont know ok i will ask that to a dentist

How does it to get braces on?

You have to get your mouth molded and I hated that. It doesn't hurt at all. All they did was put some glue and brackets and took wire and connected it to the brackets. But the best part was my teeth got straight right after I got them!! IT WAS AWESOME!

How do i keep my acrylic denture clean?

Brush it as you would your teeth and at night put it in a class of water with one of those fizzy denture cleaning tablets. You will find that soaking them is really the key. If you don't soak them, the grime won't come off as easy. Similar to washing dishes as crazy as it sounds.

Why do you need to have seperators in your teeth before you get braces?

It depends on if your braces require a metal band or not on the back teeth. I didn't get them at first, but my back brackets kept falling off, so they put spacers in and a week later they put in metal bands. It really depends on the orthodontist.

how much will it cost for an upper denture?


How are braces put on?

Its Actually Easy... I just got my braces taken off and Its the best feeling ever! 1-They tell you to bite on a small piece of cotton bud with your front teeth. 2- They take dentist glue and put little amounts on your teeth. 3. They put the brackets on, and dry the glue, with a laser. 4. when all of the brackets are put on, they place a wire in between the brackets. 5. They will put coloured bands on your brackets to keep the wire in place. 6. You have braces lol. I hope that was helpful :)

What is a brace for your tooth?

'Braces' are pieces of metal (called brackets) which are fixed onto your teeth. They are connected by a metal wire running through them. Braces are used by orthodontics and are fixed onto teeth. The brackets and the wire put pressure on the teeth and move them into being in the perfect, straight position, leaving you with perfect straight teeth! every six weeks or so the orthodontist will tighten the wire on the braces (roughly six weeks is how long it takes for teeth to move into their new positions) and this will gradually move the teeth into the correct positon. -