

Best Answer

No. Both blood markers are homozigote recessive type, so that they are fenotipicaly expressed only, if both aleles are recessive.

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Q: Is it at all possible for two o negative parents to produce an a positive offspring?
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If two parents have A-negative and O-negative bloodtypes is it possible for their child to be A-positive?

No. Two rhesus-negative parents cannot have a rhesus-positive child.

Can two parents with o positive have a child with a A negative blood type?

it is possible but the child can be a positive

Can a b positive and a positive have a b negative child?

No. If both parents are positive, the child will be positive. If both parents are negative, the child will be negative. Parents who are negative and positive can have children who are either positive or negative. '+' + '+' = '+' '-' + '-' = '-' '+' + '-' = '-' or '+'

What are the blood types possible in offspring if both the parents have 0 positive blood group?


Can a baby be born with positive blood if both parents have negative blood?

No, it is not possible.

Is It Possible for a child to have O positive with father A Positive and mother A Negative?

Yes, if both parents have genotype AO.

Can parents with b positive and o positive blood have a child with b negative blood?

yes it can be possible too as the parents is already with an o blood group..

Can parents with b positive and o positive blood have a child with O negative blood?

yes it can be possible too as the parents is already with an o blood group..

What will two negative parents have positive or negative baby?

a negative times a negative is a positive so the answer is positive

Is it possible for two A-positive parents to have an O-negative child?

Yes, it is quite possible. It does require both parents to have AO(+-) genotypes, which is somewhat rare, however.

Is it possible for a child with O negative blood group to have both parents with O positive blood groups?

Yes. Negative is recessive.

If both parents are rhesus positive can they have a negative baby?

Yes, if both parents each have the dominant positive AND recessive negative genes, they have a 1 in 4 chance of having a child with rh-neg blood. Both mother and father would have to pass the recessive gene to the offspring.